RB is all on about the Samuel Jackson chiller, Snakes on a Plane (SOAP.) I think it’s fine that someone revived “all your base” and hung it out there to buzz-market a movie. In fact, I’ll join in the joke… move it along a little. It’s one of the only fun creative things in blogvertising since Scoble got separated from Microsoft and before that the Bovines Unite silllyness in the spring of 2025.

I think the cow revolution would have succeeded if they’d had Samuel L. Jackson on their side. As for Scoble, well… the results aren’t in yet.

Anyway, who says that marketing and public relations and advertising have to be deadly dull and boring and a compromise of your humanity and turn your very soul to dust? We had cows. We got snakes. As for Scoble, well… the results aren’t in yet.