It’s Monday morning. The business center at the Barclay charges fifty cents a minute for an online hook-up. I haven’t checked the rate charged to use the room’s ethernet jack. Beth’s up there asleep and I’m making notes on TextPad in a comfortable straight-backed arm chair in the lobby, a grande skim latte on the little marble table to my side, Dell Inspiron 8600 in my lap with a big WTF sticker obscuring the logo on the screen back.
When I heard the bad news about the $30 per hour charge at the business center, I figured I’d switch to plan B, find a Starbuck’s, sit down with a cuppa, and uplink on the mojo wireless via their highly touted
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My site meter has been down about half the time over the last few months. This is not too meaningful except that I think that N.Z. Bear uses site meter rankings to construct the blog ecology. Just as I was crawling out of the slime, Site Meter went whack. Really. I’m somewhere closer to the elbow in the power curve than I was three years ago. Really. By the end of 2025 I had as many as 12 visitors a day. Recently I’ve had more than twice that. How is a person to evolve if the statistics tracker is broken?
On a brighter note, Elayne Riggs left a comment recently which led me to examine her blog more closely. How proud I was to find my link in the Kultcha section!
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Meeting in Waukesha tomorrow followed by a trip to the kennel to meet the new pup… one of two I think: Clover or Erin? And these names need fixer-upping.
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This is cool. I’m in Rhinelander and I can post to my Typepad blog from this random unit in the Holiday Inn Express business center. No high speed hook-up in the rooms here.
Tonight, slogging my way throught the VI Warshawsky novel by what’s her name, I was munching a sandwich at Culver’s Better Butter Burgers in Wausau when right there on page 375 VI, having journeyed from Chicago through Madison and Portage went right on through “Wassau” on her way to Eagle River. I stopped at Rhinelander. The “Wassau” is a typo BTW. The town is spelled Wausau, like the insurance company.
Good night.
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posted in The Proprietor |
You are Rule 8, the most laid back of all the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. While your
forefather in the Federal Rules may have been a
stickler for details and particularity, you
have clearly rebelled by being pleasant and
easy-going. Rule 8 only requires that a
plaintiff provide a short and plain statement
of a claim on which a court can grant relief.
While there is much to be lauded in your
approach, your good nature sometimes gets you
in trouble, and you often have to rely on your
good friend, Rule 56, to bail you out.
Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Long have I suffered. For years I thought the minor lesions on my arms were remnants of the good old days in the caustic soda operations unit at Dow Chemical’s Pittsburg plant. I repaired the pumps and maintained the network of pipes that moved the hot product out of the huge cauldrons where it boiled away at over 700 degrees fahrenheit. Boiling sodium hydroxide condenses and falls like caustic snow. The operator bathes his exposed skin from time to time in a reasonably strong wash of hydrochloric acid in order to neutralize the product that’s clinging to his sweaty arms and burning holes in his flesh.
But a few years ago Ann, the dermatologist, told me it was a mild form of cancer. She gave me a tube of some hideously expensive ointment and asked me to rub my lesions away. The stuff made me so irritable - grouchy - that I could only finish one treatment. The second tube has lain dormant in my medicine chest, but a few of the cancerous spots have gotten bigger over time so I took out the medicine and smeared it on and - presto change-o! Grouchy again. I have an appointment for Ann to take a look at my skin on Monday. Hopefully she has a chemical that doesn’t produce the side effects.
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You’re Costa Rica!
You’re about as peaceful as anyone on the planet, a real dyed-in-the-wool
pacifist. And why not? No one really poses much of a threat to you and
everything seems to work out, no matter how much violence and insanity rages all around
you. So you relax and appreciate nature and culture while the rest of the world carries
on their petty disagreements. If only everyone could follow your
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
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