I can’t write here, I can’t write there. I’m stuck in some kind of Seussian tech-warp. Lacking motivation, time, energy and talent, still I soldier on. If I can’t keep this blog current, the reasoning goes, then perhaps I shoule build another blog that will be better, fresher, more engaging. For instance, Class War is a journal worth keeping. Simmering on the back burner I have a pot of stone soup I’m calling “the sandbox.” Both Class War and the sandbox are intentional in a way that Listics and it’s antecedents (the typepad Sandhill, the Radio Sandhill, and a few iterations before that) have never been. Class War? Well the title tells it. Not too many cute kitten blog posts there. “The sandbox?” Something is taking shape but it’s early days… too early to say much.
Blogs are pretty straight-forward. They are a little corner of the web where you can express yourself, explore ideas and relationships, stash interesting links, and maybe even provide some news, some art and some entertainment. I almost said “provide some truth and beauty,” but I’m learning.
I’ve been geeking out on WordPress for four years or more, since I left typepad in the spring of 2025. Right now Listics and Class War both run on WordPress 2.9.2 using the Thesis theme, release 1.6. The sandbox runs WP 2.9.2 with the latest Thesis release (1.7) from Chris Pearson. Chris is working on a 2.0 release. I’m wondering how Chris will address WP 3.0. The Thesis 2.0 release will probably dovetail with it.
I may need a sandbox2 to fool around with WordPress 3.0. After almost forty years working with computers, I learned that you absolutely want to keep releases with a zero suffix away from “production.” WordPress 3.0? Thesis 2.0? Not ready for prime time, no matter when they’re released. Wait for the bug fix release, Frank!
Talk about scattered. Also, it’s spring and I’m behind on my gardening. Also, I’m in the middle of a new garage project. What started out as a simple shed is becoming more elaborate. If the project scope creeps just a little more, I may have the Garage Mahal on my hands. (I stole the label Garage Mahal from my neighbor. I wish I’d made it up though.)