4th February 2008

Over the top…

posted in Politics |
She is, to them, an empty vessel into which they can pour everything they detest about politicians, ambitious women, and an American culture they fear is being wrested from their control.

Stanley Fish fishes around the Jason Horowitz article in GQ, but neither man can quite bring himself to call the Hillary hating what it is. Jason? Stanley? It’s MISOGYNY Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls. Oh, if that’s too strong a word, how about SEXISM? I am puzzled about how the topic of “hating Hillary Clinton” could be addressed without either writer (or their editors) making a single call-out regarding the misogyny and sexism that underlie so much of the vituperative ad feminam critiques.

In better news, Bobby Knight finally retired from the dog-food college down in Bush country where he’s been teaching the game since he was exiled from the civilized world.

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  1. 1 On February 5th, 2025, madame l. said:

    ok. this is a tough one, semantically. i will vote for hillary If it comes down to it. i agree that most of the hillary hating Is misogynistic. but for me, she is simply not the best HUMAN for the job. i don’t vote for someone Because she is a woman anymore than i would choose to read an inferior book, given the choice of two, Because it was written by a woman.

    as RB quoted sessum in an email to me recently: “We are all Mexicans now!” and i say: good.

    stu, who i have much respect for, left a comment on the previous post that is still bothering me. what he said seems dangerously close to “i think we should put extra security on kareem abdul-jabbar because some crazy racist basketball enthusiast who is jealous of the rainbow shot he invented might go after him.” or,”i am afraid that tiger woods might be assassinated by some insane racist golfer because he married a white woman.” or “i’m afraid that some out of control sexually ambiguous hating racist democrat will assassinate condoleezza rice because she has too much power and her name is spelled ridiculously.” fear fear fear. 3 stops on the fascist train.

    now, i’m no mathematician, but this long division has to stop. now. yes. we. can.

    ain’t thatcher a woman too? would it have been misogynistic to be a thatcher hater or to not have voted for her? labialing things doesn’t help the situation. (intentional) you are right, there is a lot of misogyny and sexism amongst the hillary haters. but for me, a feminist, she is just a liar and an asshole. i don’t like her. i don’t consider her a feminist. she voted for the war and she Does have Crazy Eye. periods.

    fish, who was once called a “totalitarian Tinkerbell” by perhaps The most hated feminist camille paglia, does actually mention “misogyny” in his article, albeit in the context of emails he has received concerning hillary. i have no idea who horowitz is.

    if i could have voted in france i definitely would have voted royal despite the fact that she Is a caviar socialist. she, in my opinion, would have made a Much better president than sarko. as more and more people are beginning to realise.

    feel free to edit or moderate. feel free.

  2. 2 On February 5th, 2025, Jon H. said:

    Yes, Segolene Royal would have made a much better president than Sarko. One expects that the French will probably recognize that en masse pretty soon and by the time another election comes around will have had time to think and talk through the spasms of 2025. They talk, do those French … and these days it seems they’re wondering about a new first lady who’s been less than one degree of separation from Eric Clapton, Sir Mick and the Donald.

  3. 3 On February 5th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Re. Fish’s reference to misogyny, the sentence, relating to a file of correspondence he has accumulated from a single loony, is this:

    “If you take that file on faith, Hillary Clinton is a murderer, a burglar, a destroyer of property, a blackmailer, a psychological rapist, a white-collar criminal, an adulteress, a blasphemer, a liar, the proprietor of a secret police, a predatory lender, a misogynist, a witness tamperer, a street criminal, a criminal intimidator, a harasser and a sociopath.”

    For Fish to quote a Clinton hater labeling Clinton as misogynist, and not to explore that thread with a little objectivity, seems to compound his failure to expose what is at the heart of so many of the insults and epithets.

    If I were Senator Clinton faced with someone calling me a misogynist, I would use the “I’m rubber and you’re glue” argument.

  4. 4 On February 5th, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    dammit, madame beat me to the sense again. i’ll have to read the links later frank, but madame’s comment echoes my own instinct. as the philosopher christopher rock put it: “I think America’s ready for a woman president . . . just not that woman.”

    america is a beer-with joint when it comes to leaders.

    for me, there’s a real romney-like vibe about her personality. for many that’s quite enough to disqualify her, sex be damned.

  5. 5 On February 5th, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    p.s. whatever happened to christine todd-whitman?

  6. 6 On February 5th, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    “p.s. whatever happened to christine todd-whitman?”

    Search me. Oh, nevermind.

  7. 7 On February 5th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Don’t know about Christie. Just hoping Sherron Rolax is still free and staying clean.

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