Rope a dope strategy, waiting to take his licks in Iowa with Ron Paul, letting the Christian fundies eat the Iowa chicken and talk Iowa abortions, stem cells, corn ethanol, and abstract Pentecostal Kevorkianism… then swinging out into a slam-bam Florida and February 5th reminder that he is the 9/11 candidate, of, by and for the people of 9/11, all 9/11 all the time…
If elected, Giuliani would inherit the duties of current 9/11 President George W. Bush, including making grim facial expressions, seeing the world’s conflicts in terms of good and evil, and carrying a bullhorn at all state functions.
“Let us all remember how we felt on that day, with the world watching our every move, waiting on our every word,” said Giuliani, flanked by several firefighters, ex-New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, and Judith Nathan, his third wife. “With a campaign built on traditional 9/11 values, and with the help of every citizen who believes in the 9/11 dream, I want to make 9/11 great again.”
Benito Giulani made the Manhattan trains run on time, cleaned the dopers out of Times Square (and were the people of Queens ever happy!), he assured everyone that respirators were for sissies and there was no asbestos at ground zero anyway, and he pulled the city together. Think of all the other mayors that have used their office as a springboard for national leadership.
Not everybody sees the hardline as a bad thing. A New Hampshire Giuliani campaign organizer, John Deady, floated a few New Millenial Crusade trial balloons…
He [Giuliani] has got, I believe, the knowledge and the judgment to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history, and that is the rise of the Muslims. Make no mistake about it; this hasn’t happened for a thousand years. These people are very, very dedicated. They’re also very smart in their own way, and we need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat them or chase them back to their caves, or, in other words, get rid of them.
And, in a follow-up interview with Greg Sargent,
I don’t subscribe to the principle that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. They’re all Muslims. When I say get rid of them, I wasn’t necessarily referring to genocide. What I was referring to is, stand up to them every time they stick up their heads and attack us. We can’t afford to say, “We’ll try diplomacy.” They don’t respond to it. If you look into Islamic tradition, a treaty is only good for five years. We’re not dealing with a rational mindset here. We’re dealing with madmen.
Not everybody sees the opportunity for genocidal sectarian violence on a global scale with such clarity of purpose of course. From the very beginning there have been nay-sayers with sly digs and subtle criticisms. One such nattering nabob of negativity, the Reverend Al Sharpton (and what do you think of HIS hair style!) commented in September, 2025:
“[Giuliani] didn’t bring us together, our pain brought us together and our decency brought us together. We would have come together if Bozo was the mayor.”
Granted that Rev. Sharpton is not likely to vote in a Republican primary.
In fairness to the thrice married, prostate challenged, zombie-looking and thoroughly unelectable Rudy, if you read his responses to the Washington Post questions on issues, he does NOT come up lame on all of them and he does NOT sound like the ravening beast his most loyal supporters make him out to be. He doesn’t seek the destruction of the Social Security benefit, for example, and he supports domestic partnerships. Other than that he is pretty lame. He is of course a war monger, as are they all, but he has other things in his background that I find commendable. He took down Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken. Milken has long since absorbed the slap on the wrist and re-emerged seeking the credibility that vast wealth and attention to pop tech can provide. Not Rudy’s fault.
Bottom line: A vote for Rudy is NOT a vote for Mike Huckabee, and that can’t be all bad.
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
Scruggs 01.02.08 at 6:14
You’re saving the best wingnut for last, I can tell. I can hardly blame you. The man is a genius! He has always managed to benefit from creating aggregates that work out to be less than the sum of their parts, and that later yield important returns from the negative value.
Doug Alder 01.02.08 at 2:09
Nice try wingnut - that’s exactly what you meant and hope that Giuliani wants to do.
Zo 01.05.08 at 6:57
Dear Frank,
Please try to avoid using the words “vote” and “Guiliani” in the same sentence.
Thank you so much,