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  • by Frank Paynter on January 1, 2025

    “Faith, Family, Freedom” — that’s his slogan and I think that’s some spooky stuff. Hopefully Huckabee will get knocked out early and his voodoo economics will be submerged with him. When he is finally sunk we will have to worry about the Christian Crusaders and where their commitment to a victory for their god will take them. What does Huckabee stand for besides religious war terminating in the second coming of Jesus of Nazareth?

    Consumer based health care insurance… take the burden off the backs of the employers and put it on the people who use insurance. Encourage employers to provide exercise breaks. Encourage employees to lose weight and quit smoking.

    With a consumer-based system, you have skin in the game, some incentives to stay healthy and not take every MRI you can.
    – Mike Huckabee, the common man’s man

    Social Security benefits “inevitably must be reduced,” he says. This gives me an uncomfortable feeling about the fund that I’ve contributed to since my first job at Carvel in the 1950’s. It sounds like he doesn’t want to give me a fair return on the money I’ve put into the fund for over fifty years. Why would that be?

    “While I want to reduce our dependence on oil, I especially want to reduce our dependence on imported oil as fully and quickly as possible. We need to get oil and gas from ANWR and our continental shelves.”

    Who is this guy? As near as I can tell he represents a position best summed up as “more of the same.” With his bizarre slogan of Faith, Family, Freedom he’ll draw votes from the same base of fearful ignoramuses who put Bush in office. Twice. If you believe in god, start praying that this guy withdraws for the good of the country, for the good of the people.

    Who is voting for him? As far as I can tell, anyone who believes that federal programs can be more effectively administered by christian ministers than by state and local governments will vote for him. Hedge fund managers will vote for him. The corporate elite, those people who prefer a close partnership between big business and government to a government informed by a populist agenda, will vote for him. Ignorant and ill informed dogmatic and bigoted poor people will vote for him if they also are devout church goers and have a sense that the war on terror can be won. Anyone who thinks increased military spending and a lowered federal budget provides a foundation for responsible government will vote for him.

    Most of the people for whom the “right to life” begins at conception and ends at birth are strongly in his camp.

    Who will vote for him? Greed-balls, jack-asses and ignoramuses will vote for him. This makes him a strong front runner on the right.

    “Mike Huckabee is Chuck Norris approved.”

    All that said, I admire a man who knows the limits and figures out clever ways to get around them. The Huckabee’s set up bridal gift registries in order to subvert Arkansas law regarding contributions. You have to admire that kind of creativity.

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    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Scruggs 01.01.08 at 7:31

    He’s the right content provider for our rock-ribbed Babbitt individualists and sentimental Gantry conservatives. But he lacks the front end loader full of batshit mean my man Benito Giuliani brings to the table.

    NoWayHuckabay 01.02.08 at 8:56

    No. Way.

    No way will this man be elected. The Dems are holding back, hoping he is the nominee. There is a soundbite of this guy dissing almost every demographic in the country, and the Dems have them queued up and ready to roll.

    On top of that, the guy is just a tool.

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