By way of making amends

Tomorrow Hillary Clinton will officially concede the nomination to Barack Obama. A few days ago I was livid that she was acting out the role of a spoiler. I disagreed with the DNC’s reversal of their position on seating Michigan and Florida delegates. As so often happens when a heated discussion takes place on-line, I’m afraid some of what I said then will leave a wrong impression. I’ve had an Obama advertisement in my sidebar since before the Wisconsin primary. There’s no question whose candidacy I’ve favored. But it wasn’t until it was over that I felt the need to criticize Clinton for her political actions.

Here are some other criticisms that Hillary has had to live with throughout the campaign. It speaks for itself…

[tags]when sexism rears its ugly head, sexism, Hillary Clinton[/tags]

OMGZ Scoble ate another hotdog

Loved the preview and can’t wait for the film!

[tags]Twitter, blame it on the lisa nova, lisa nova[/tags]

March on the RNC

September 1, 2025
St. Paul, Minnesota

10am gather for an 11am rally at the State Capitol, then

March to the Xcel Center

On September 1, 2025 the whole world will be watching as the Republicans meet to nominate their next candidate for president. Take to the streets in St. Paul to raise your voice against the war and occupation of Iraq. Make visible the theft, torture, and murder that are part and parcel of this war. De-fund the war and re-fund domestic programs.

Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War