I saw more skinny white dudes in shades wearing skinny black frock coats and pretending to be Neo than you could shake a stick at. I saw a waitress dressed like Annie Oakley who had me convinced. I saw a guy in a gorilla suit and a girl dressed like a gangster in some Warren Beaty movie, complete with short-skirted tailored pin striped suit and a fetching fedora. They were all out tonight. But the scariest costume I saw was this… I think he calls it “Young Republican Grows Up.” Sadly, the camera flash washed out the dark circles from under his eyes, but I think it caught the demonic fire in the eyes themselves pretty well.
[tags]power tie, brandy after brandy, self importance, the next generation[/tags]
probably one of the judges.
in that case we are doomed.
My God, Frank! That’s J. Edgar Hoover! See? He’s been revived and rejuventated in one of those evil Beltway dark rituals you never hear about in the liberal media.
I knew that I recognized him from somewhere. He was with a cute brunette guy in a dark pinstripe.
Re-animated is the word you were looking for.