9th February 2007

Ceci est une pipe

posted in Miscellaneous, Networks, People |

I’ve been doinking around with pipes… I have like five Yahoo! user-ids and don’t know any of the passwords, in fact I didn’t know the ids until I went through the Yahoo! authentication challenge that always leaves you logged on and far from where you wanted to go. But I got there, and wasn’t entirely (though I was mostly) baffled. Maybe I can ask Shelley to explain it to me…

Tim O’Reilly says,

Yahoo! Pipes is a first step towards changing all that, creating a programmable web for everyone. Using the Pipes editor, you can fetch any data source via its… XML feed, extract the data you want, combine it with data from another source, apply various built-in filters (sort, unique (with the “ue” this time:-), count, truncate, union, join, as well as user-defined filters), and apply simple programming tools like for loops. In short, it’s a good start on the Unix shell for mashups.

Caterina Fake provides a lot of links to the devlopers and the current discussion. For me, it still centers on figuring out what the damn Yahoo! user-id actually is today. And, of course FlickR is forcing me to address that issue soon.

ceci n'est pas une fake

This entry was posted on Friday, February 9th, 2025 at 10:59 and is filed under Miscellaneous, Networks, People. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “Ceci est une pipe”

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  1. 1 On February 10th, 2025, Winston said:

    New look is nice and clean. Good. Is this a stock WP theme you modded to suit? Header graphic is appealing, but I’m still trying to figure out where it is…

    As far as pipes go, I get mine cleaned occasionally, but that’s about it…

  2. 2 On February 10th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    It’s Cutline 1.1 for WP 2.1 by The header images come with the theme. As of today I haven’t edited or customized much except for a few plug-ins (like adding “recent Comments” back to the sidebar). Most of my plug-ins aren’t yet working properly

    For a look at the theme in a more orderly context, with plug-ins that work, some customizations and interesting content, go here.

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