Comment Spam

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  • by Frank Paynter on November 27, 2025

    I love the guy who ends his herbal supplements advertisement with the prayer: Don’t delete this.

    Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha… I deleted it again! And again!

    I’ve noticed a huge up-tick in comment spam since I amused myself with the forklift message. I figured Chuck Mortimore might scratch his head in puzzled amusement if he ever vanity-surfed that post, so I let it slide by. Or maybe it’s a price I pay for the paid advertising in the sidebar. Or maybe the vermin are everywhere sniffing out every living blogger and trying to suffocate him (or her) with the foetid stench of rotting spam. I like foetid better than fetid. And while I’m on about spelling, why so many aitches in “diphthong?” “Dipthong” would be much more available to adolescent humor, nicht wahr? Ah well, one is only adolescent once, but immaturity can last a lifetime.

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    Quix0r 11.29.06 at 4:49

    Hehe, and every day I can kill medicine spam… ;)

    But here is something new:

    Problem with RSS Feed in WordPress.

    I have a subdomain that I installed wordpress for another blog site, but the subdomain site’s rss feed points to my parent site. Can anyone come up with any suggestions?

    No URL in comment but one in website which leads to a page called g-a-m-e-b-u-r-n-.-o-r-g (without the dashes at all). Is that a splog? Ton’s of links which leads to several flash gaming pages…

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