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  • Dean shares some thoughts on the blogger as Bushnell…

    There’s everything to like about her, most particularly how she took hold of blogging to express herself and futher her career.

    What struck me was the pure and utter PR flackery, how they chose to use blogging as a centerpiece, and yet in many ways this woman is not your run of the mill average blogospheric type…rather, she might be held in contempt (or at least low regard) politically by some of the more vocal righteous my-life-as-a-blog types.

    I love the PR twist, and I really like her whole manner, oeuvre, content, etc.

    It just struck me as hysterical that Jarvis is quoted, the blogosphere credited, and that the twist, the spin, is blogging. This seems the opposite of how the born again word of mouth (what a discovery!) PR will save our souls new-to-the-party (but now self appointed to issue invitations and declare who is and isn’t A-List) disciples would attack such a project. They’d be too busy anointing themselves as super cool clued-in blogsmiths to handle, much less position and promote Stephanie’s project.


    Posted in Journalism, Writing



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