Pew report: Bloggers – A portrait of the internet’s new storytellers

There are now about twelve million American bloggers, ninety percent of whom read other people’s blogs and forty-nine percent of whom have been blogging for more than a year. There are also fifty-seven million blog readers (including over ten million bloggers) according to a Pew report released today.

Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project writes:

I thought you’d be interested to know that we are releasing today a report built around a national survey of bloggers. It covers things like: who bloggers are, why they got into blogging, the subjects they blog about, the features they use on their blogs, their sense of their audience, the time they spend on their blogs, and their sense of the impact of their blogs.

The survey methodology1 is described and the results, while generally unsurprising, seem valid because they are not biased by the louder voices in the blogosphere.

PDF versions of the report and the survey are available from the Pew site.

1 The Blogger Callback Survey, sponsored by the Pew Internet and American Life Project (PIALP), conducted telephone interviews with 233 self-identified bloggers from previous surveys conducted for PIALP. The interviews were conducted in English by Princeton Data Source, LLC, from July 5, 2025 to February 17, 2025. Statistical results are weighted to correct known demographic discrepancies. The margin of sampling error for the complete set of weighted data is ±6.7%.