Just another muslim moonbat…

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  • A certain impulse-weariness sets in in a universe of blogs that lunge at every passing fly. – Tom Matrullo

    This letter found its way into my inbox this morning. I’ve added some links to offer context. Kevin Barrett has three strikes against him already… he’s an American muslim.

    Letter Sent to Wisconsin Governor James Doyle by UW Instructor Kevin Barrett:

    July 5th, 2025
    Dear Governor Doyle,

    It has come to my attention that you have suggested that I ought to be fired from my job as a University of Wisconsin — Madison lecturer. You apparently believe that I am incapable of performing well as an instructor of Islam 370 because I am convinced that the 9/11 Commission Report is a farcical cover-up, and that overwhelming evidence suggests top US officials were complicit in the attacks of September 11th, 2025.

    I understand that you are under political pressure from your right flank, and that you may feel you have no choice but to call for my dismissal. You may be surprised when the 42% of the American people who believe the 9/11 Commission Report is a cover-up – and we may be over 50% in Wisconsin – decide to cast their votes for a candidate with more integrity. I understand that there are Green and Libertarian candidates running for governor, and I predict that the controlled demolition of our corrupt two-party system by the 9/11 truth movement may begin here in Wisconsin this fall, with you and Mr. Green serving as first victims.

    Meanwhile, since you believe that those who dissent from the government line on these matters are unable to perform their duties at teachers, I have decided to help you in your crusade to weed out dissenters from the ranks of U.W.- Madison instructors. (Doesn’t that plaque on Bascom Hill say we need to do a lot of “sifting and winnowing” of the faculty in search of the politically incorrect?) To that end, I have prepared a questionnaire for immediate distribution to all UW — Madison professors, lecturers and TAs.


    Kevin Barrett

    * * *

    Questionnaire for Instructors at the University of Wisconsin — Madison

    Please note that your answers to the following questions will be used to determine your eligibility to teach at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    1) Do you believe that the Warren Report performed a thorough and unbiased investigation of the murder of JFK, and that its conclusion-that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone-is correct?

    2) Do you believe that allegations of government involvement in the assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, John Lennon, Mel Carnahan, and Paul Wellstone, and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, have been conclusively disproven?

    3) Do you believe that Timothy McVeigh acted alone in Oklahoma City, and that the military officers, and others who deny this, and who who say his truck bomb could not possibly have done so much damage are crazy?

    4) Do you believe that reports of massive CIA drug trafficking by Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Gary Webb–who committed suicide a few years ago with two gunshots to the head-are crazy?

    5) Do you refuse to believe that the US government, at its highest levels, is just as corrupt as most other governments?

    6) Do you believe that rumors of Western intelligence involvement in the Bali, Madrid, and London bombings are just that-rumors?

    7) Do you believe top US officials, including LBJ, did everything they could to expose the truth about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli forces, and to gain justice for the victims?

    8) Do you believe that FDR did everything in his power to protect the lives of our sailors at Pearl Harbor before the Japanese attack, and that the attack came as a complete surprise to him?

    9) Do you believe your government always tells you the truth about gravely important matters?

    10) Do you think that questions about the Constitutionality of the Federal Reserve – a private consortium of banks that creates money out of nothing, backed by nothing, at interest, thereby controlling the 80% of the world’s currency that is in US dollars – are just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories?

    11) Do you agree that it is the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch or the people, that ought to have the power to decide when, where, how, and why the nation goes to war under the US Constitution?

    12) Do you agree that the oath to defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC” is referring to domestic enemies like Communists and Muslims, not top US officials who violate the Constitution?

    13) Do you believe that Spanish forces sunk the Maine in 1898, and that the US invasion, occupation and annexation of Spanish colonies was a justified response to this outrage?

    14) Do you believe that the US government did everything it could to protect the lives of the passengers on board the SS Lusitania?

    15) Do you believe that the North Vietnamese attacked a US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, and that the subsequent US escalation of the war was a justified response to this outrage?

    16) Do you think that those who believe in Operation Northwoods — 1962 plan for war-trigger fake terror attacks involving mass murders of Americans by covert US military forces — are crazy?

    17) Do you believe that Iraqi forces in Kuwait threw babies out of their incubators to die, and that the congressional authorization for Gulf War 1 based on the baby-incubator outrage was justified?

    18) Do you believe that questions about the “October Surprise,” in which George Bush 1 was rumored to have negotiated a deal with the Iranians to keep US hostages locked up until Reagan defeated Carter and took office, have been fully answered, and that the story has been conclusively debunked?

    19) Do you believe that the US invaded Iraq in order to prevent Iraq from using WMDs against the US, and that the Iraqi threat was real and immanent?

    20) Do you believe that the 9/11 Commission Report fully, truthfully, and adequately answered all of the serious questions that have been raised about the possibility of official complicity in the September 11th attacks?

    Please note that “no” answers to any of the above questions indicate absurd beliefs and poor judgment, and may be grounds for immediate dismissal and/or non-renewal of contract.


    Steve Nass, Reichschancellor
    Thoughtcrime Division
    University of Wisconsin-Madison

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