
  • el
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  • Lot of the ol’ malaise about blogging in the air today…

    Jeneane: Used to be …bloggers couldn’t WAIT for a holiday so they’d have more time to blog. Ah, yes, those were the good old days. I think Jeneane is having trouble with happy thoughts partly because she blew her back out and is in a lot of pain? Could be.

    Ken: I’ve become irrelevant, even to me. This in the middle of a post detailing personal and professional plans that rival the logistical planning for Hannibal’s alpine crossing.

    Sometimes We remind Me of this little image by Kamiel Proost that Kombinat features today. Is regular blogging better or worse than intermittent blogging? If you have nothing to say, is there any reason to say it? I must argue for the regular approach, even if we spiral sometimes into mundane subject matter like cherry pies and daily life. In fact, a charming lady I met near bloggerCon told me that she much more appreciates my quotidian mutterings than my heavy handed attempts at politics and technology and such.

    Regular blogging is no more than regular writing, and — while some writers can start and stop on a dime — this writer needs to keep the pump primed, to work toward little deadlines, to practice. It’s the poor writer who doesn’t write. So thanks to everyone who shares regularly, and if you haven’t touched the keyboard to blog since May, well, some of us certainly miss you.
    JR, Mr. Noded, has a good couple of posts on GnomeDex, an “unconference.” I like his take on Mike Arrington: Mike can be abrupt and that makes for an interesting but one way discussion. I came away with the idea that if blogging is an echo chamber Mike may be the main echo. JR leaves off the part about Mike coming across as a boringly self-centered fellow, Mr. Pouty. Maybe when I caught his act he was having a bad day.

    * * *

    Well, on a positive note, Molly’s stitches come out this afternoon!

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