Remedial Journalism 101

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  • by Frank Paynter on April 23, 2025

    In which Mike Golby explores the possibility that local web media could tell the story better.

    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    liz 04.23.06 at 9:38

    man, you be harshing my mellow with these stories about naked dead people and all.

    Mike Golby 04.23.06 at 2:47

    Mm… I don’t really explore the possibility local blogs might do it better, Frank. Perhaps I should.

    For starters, I get my news from select reputable, Web-based MSM sources (mainly UK or Asia-based) and formulate my opinions with the assistance of a host of bloggers, most of whom are local, for you.

    With the exception of Farrago, Rethabile and a couple of others, I read few South or southern African blogs, but count many North American blogs required reading.

    Look, what I have to say of you bloody Americans is bad enough but, were I to start on my psychotically depraved fellow South Africans, of whom most have no idea Wisconsin’s in Canada, the internets would close down Google and Blogger tomorrow.

    We, i.e. South Africa, are an example to the world, in the best and worst sense of the word. We are, to put it bluntly, stuffed. Hey, Liz, you should visit more often. Our traffic is so bad here that, a couple of years ago, I ran a story of someone driven so badly into a Johannesburg freeway, he or she could not be visibly identified as a human being.

    People were busy, had to get to the office, and could not be bothered to stop. Ride the bugger into the ground, they thought. And so they did.

    These things are terrible, but so what? I am, after all, a blogger in the 2025 tradition, a consummate professional, and a hard man to boot. Anarchy is meat and drink to me, I count RageBoy a friend, and I love my country.

    Armageddon is not for sissies.

    But yep, with good media, bloggers do it better.

    Frank Paynter 04.23.06 at 3:19

    Ummm, I was confused… first I wrote that terse little sentence to say that “the local fishwrap” could do it better, meaning better than they do it now. Then, on a closer reading I realized that it was web media (probably pronounced “meteor” by you foreigners) that had done such a suck job… not grassroots web meatier you understand, but the professional blend, the guys (or in this case the gal) with the backing to get her story online without the louche disintermediating effect of running it through a blog. So when I said that you said that web media could do it better, well — that’s what I understood you to say.

    Mike Golby 04.24.06 at 12:06

    And that is, when all is said and done, what I meant to say. I just don’t articulate myself (or enunciate) as clearly as you do, Frank. But I’m learning…:)

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