ima take a ride
ima go too fast
ima smash a wall
ima not come back
ima fly so far
ima lick a cloud
ima do some flips
ima yell real loud
ima stay up high
ima feel so cold
ima slice the sky
ima make a hole
ima fly on in
ima float above
ima hug the dark
ima die for love
- Jeneane Sessum (Soar is one of several poems posted today at
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ima going to jeneane’s
Jeneane is performing a rite to repel energy vampires. Maybe she should tell Bob.
Before you ran Jeneane’s Paynterview way back when Frank, I punted it in language I felt caught Ms. Sessum’s spirit exactly. I can’t remember what the hell I said, but it had something to do with “lighting the firmament.”
She always has and always will. That girl has spark, class, sass, and whatever else bubbles, zings, or stings. Lotta really good bloggers got going round the same time Jeneane did. But besides being an extraordinarily good vintage, she shines.
I always did love that girl (and Jenna too, of course) but there’s something about George that tells me I’d better keep some things to myself…
Ima understand that Jeneane is bringing all of her “creative writing” over to
She says, “I figure I’ll use to do and keep the more esoteric stuff and allied can be the everthing+professional blog…
“ima decider”
(Bush’s new I’m decisive mode)