Irony and the ignorant man behind the curtain…

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  • by Frank Paynter on April 17, 2025

    Spending so much time sorting out blog tools that there doesn’t seem to be time to write. Too bad too, because I have a little whimsy bubbling up titled “Fundamentalism, forgiveness, and the zeitgeist of excess and regret…” That may be what I’ll call it. It’s my take on a theoretical swipe at fundamentalism as an expression of completed nihilism, a little something I ran across linked out of wood’s lot, to wit:

    …power in its mature (nihilistic) phase — sick of itself, possessing no definitive goal, exhausted with the historical burden of remaining an active will, always sliding inexorably towards the nothingness of the will-less will — desperately seeks out a sustaining purpose, an inspiring goal, a historical mission. Into the ethical vacuum at the disappearing center of nihilistic power flows a strong historical monism — the New Protestant Ethic — that will not be suppressed.

    Wrong-o, of course. What it’s about is the dread, the dark fear and conviction that too much fun was killing us, that all those parties were leading to too much sex and drug abuse, and that although it would be nice if there were some theosophical or otherwise metaphysical way out of our mess like the hippies said there was, there is really only one superstitious construct that is viable in a post-enlightenment age, and that is the faith of our fathers… the faith that when we die there WILL be pie in the sky, the faith that there is a devil even worse than the demons we saw for ourselves in those dark nights of the soul that we contrived in the age of loud music, free love and large motorcycles.

    Jesus saves. He saves you from thinking about the great dark spaces before and after life. He saves you from your own base inclinations. There’s a big thing that needs writing here but I’m hooked on the Ultimate Tag Warrior and can’t come out and play until I’ve figured out the CSS pieces.

    Ironic, ain’t it? I mean, what’s a blog for?

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