April 5, 2025
United States President George W. Bush has ordered units from the Army’s 10th Mountain Division to occupy key towns and cities in the state of Wisconsin in the aftermath of that states non-binding referendum calling for an immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq. The military occupation, the first in the nation since the Civil War, is an attempt to quell, and hopefully nip in the bud, rising feelings of discontent throughout the country as a whole.
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The animosity between Mr. Keillor and President Bush is well known to NPR listeners and George Bush has vowed to bring that evildoer to justice; at this writing troops are scouring the state in search of the village of Lake Woebegone, reportedly Mr. Keillor’s base of operations, so far without success.
Phh. Everyone knows Lake Woebegone is in Minnesota. Clearly a bit of agitprop written by a foreigner. Probably from Michigan.
You extract was so believable, I had to go read the original to see that it was April Fools’ day posting. Well done