Mutual Memesterbation

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 15, 2025

    In Shelley’s comments, Seth Finkelstein brings us "mutual memesterbation," my nominee for best coinage of the day, week, month…

    There’s a lot of end-of-an-era/end-of-blogging talk going around.  Some folks like Joi Ito have shifted focus to virtual team pursuits like WoW.  Others, like Dave Winer, are talking about just laying blogging down and taking a well deserved rest (the title of the linked post is Retirement Round-up).  Dave’s announced intentions sparked some discussion, but the noise had been in the wind for a while anyway.  Niek was talking about it a few weeks ago.  Many of us go through dry spells when we think we may just lay this blogging thing down.

    But fundamentally, what does it matter?  The metablogging thing, blogging about blogging or blogging about not blogging is - as Seth observed - just so much mutual memesterbation.

    Many of the best bloggers are not bloggers, and/or they are so much more.  Vist Squarks.  Visit Shutterclog.  Visit  Visit  the japanese new girl-monkey network.  But bottom-line, most of these people have blogged, are blogging, and/or will blog again.  Just as rock ‘n roll will never die, the blog genre will survive even as there is turn-over among the artists.   Those of us who remain interested in web publishing and in writing can only be bemused by the angst of the metablogging around not blogging.

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