Spring Morning

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 12, 2025

    Most of the snow is gone.  Yesterday was the hottest March 11 on record.  This is the season when we are greatful for global warming. 


    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 03.12.06 at 6:08

    Hey. Is that a “Hoya” I see? I have one like that. One of my favorites. Does yours get those beautiful wax-like-looking blossoms like mine does? I love this picture, Frank. Makes me want to come for coffee and sit at that table. It really does. Or tea. Or whatever … beautiful.

    fp 03.12.06 at 9:36

    Yes indeed, that is Beth’s Hoya. It blossoms often, sending one of those long runners out and then opening the multipart purplish blossom. We’ve had it for quite a while, I think at least ten years, and Beth grew it from a cutting that our friend Sally gave her.

    Stu Savory, Germany 03.12.06 at 11:10

    I am envious. Here we still have snow, minus 12 C and I have had to shovel the white stuff (not coke!) off the sidewalk every f*cking morning since november and it’s the middle of march now!

    Still, bulldog Frieda just loves the deep drifts, leaping in so that just her head peeks out and then doing mighty vertical take-offs to get out again :-)

    fp 03.13.06 at 6:22

    Cruel fate in the form of a weather report informs us that snow will return here mid-week. Still, it was nice to see the snow-drops bloom, the daffodils emerge, the crocuses begin to bud.

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