Once more into the breach, dear friends…

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 12, 2025

    Again this morning I got suckered into reading blogs instead of working on my own stuff.  I am weak.  Brian is working out advertising keyword issues.  Doc was photographed in his media whore shirt.  Betsy Devine is one for two in her choice of woman bloggers to lionize.  Jeneane:  bass in luggage, no pizza, no bat.  Dave had a dream.  Fresh content at Dervala’s, read it and weep oh you who would think yourselves good writers and creative.  Golby has linked to one of my posts, bless his huge South African heart!  Halley’s last update followed Santino’s crushing defeat, of which she adroitly avoids any mention, babbling charmingly instead about how great it is that people make things.  Not that Chloe isn’t great, and any comparison between her work and overstuffed couches and easy chairs is just sour grapes I’m sure.  David is going on about eBook ubiquity, which reminds me that I am still waiting for my flying car and personal jetpack.

    …and Dean deconstructs the Film Strip International mashup of their work with Jim’s Big Ego’s ad hominem anthem re. anal sphincters. 

    …and Chris shares a Chautauqua moment.

    Steve Rubel says, "We all are gatekeepers depending on where the news thread starts."

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