Battle Cattle Terrorism

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 11, 2025

    Our first few years on the farm we baled alfalfa using a "kick baler."  I used to look at the neighbor’s six foot rolled up bales of alfalfa and wonder, "How’s a cow gonna get a square meal?"  But things have gotten worse, worse for the cows

    [Thanx to Doug Alder for the cow abduction link!]

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    liz 03.12.06 at 2:22

    uhhhm, Frank honey? Your medications? Some adjustment?

    Those cows flying away, you know, they gave me a creepy feeling.

    fp 03.12.06 at 6:58

    Hey. This is all reported by the California Milk Advisory Board. If you can’t trust them to report the truth, who can you trust?

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