Juke Speaks

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 6, 2025

    With little fear of trespass upon intellectual prop’ty rights, I lift the following comment by Juke Moran from Tom Matrullo’s blog:

    We know nothing of this subject.
    Clairvoyant trompe l’oeil how bout that?
    passively arrogant reliance on perceptual mechanics that follows along
    like a trusting pet with us as we follow along at the side of whatever
    it is that leads us forward.
    We get fooled.
    And attain a new way of seeing that pierces that veil - and get fooled again - and get a new prescription, and…
    My experience of clairvoyance is it’s not that different than visual reception. You’re still there soloing with more info than
    you can process while the floodwaters rise to the top of the porch steps.
    Tradition offers the same comfort and urgency it offers the traditional norm - alignment, compromise, toadyisms, dogma,
    scrambled nomenclatures, books that purport to be all you need to win big, armies of pseudo-illuminati protecting
    second-level pseudo-illuminati who function as cut-outs for still deeper camouflaged versions of what may or may not be
    heirs of the big hairy eyeball.
    Increasingly well-calibrated instrumentation can decrease paranoia - up to a point.
    This is the main noise of Dennett and his erstwhile David-and-Goliath opponents.
    We know this, therefore that makes a good conjecture.
    everything all at once would put you in the position of having to have
    an opinion about all of that at once wouldn’t it? Kind of the ultimate
    clairvoyant experience know what I mean?
    But the message was and
    continues to be that that passive receptivity is itself a kind of
    active complicity - the anthropologists
    creating rituals with the
    jungle men as they film them dancing around the fire, standing around
    the fire and the dancing with their cameras.
    And out of the cloud of
    that temporal cyclonic the Very Large Radio Personality intones his
    opinions - thanx to L.Frank Baum for the image.
    Elections from one
    four-year get to the next are to the millenarianists’ expectations as
    paragraph to novel. Without the little there can be no great.
    This dimension is hell for some, near-heaven for others.
    would be heaven entire but for the presence of those sufferers; though
    there are they who take great comfort in the knowledge of others fallen
    below them, for many of us it is a sad thing.
    The Franciscan bodhisattva analog.
    through seems to have been the idea. And there’s a kind of transfer of
    intent, flow from the spirit side through the unlocked membrane opened
    by the protein-mask of reality-TV cynicism.
    Just like with the video game rhesus-teens transitioning into cockpits and tank command, and CCTV snitch-baskets.
    divinities getting what they want seem more divine than the frustrated
    almost not. Like rich kids relaxing by the pool versus rich kids on
    camping trips that have gone unexpectedly sour. Thrown back into the
    mix and upheaval of scrambling biological imperative and exigency.
    dimension exists surrounded by the next, in this linear context. In
    order for clairvoyance, or electro-magnetic radiation, or son et lumiere, or anything, to be what you work with, you have to be able to fit it inside your head.
    That may be the real problem of this world.
    Or it may be that the next step is to trust something outside the self. So that cognition alone isn’t it.
    Types of clairvoyance:
    Crowleyan satanic manipulative gratification.
    Mossad strategic.
    SRI DoD R&D weapons-grade.
    Vatican penumbral extension.
    Grass-skirt indigenous.
    Gaelic elfin.
    Nahuatl mushroom Aztec panavision.
    Trailer-trash psychedelic.
    Red-shield economic.
    Haight-Ashbury free-lance.
    being the input to cognition’s process, and in that no different than
    sight or hearing except in degree and volume and category, we’re still
    left with being the soloists of our own knowledge. With goals projected
    according to our ethic.
    Surrounded by exploding viral imperatives that don’t share our humble curiosity, or even gravity.
    Pressured by inexorable time and the immediate demands of carnality.
    So it’s really about applied knowledge isn’t it?
    It always was about that, wasn’t it?
    Work, for the night is coming.


    3/05/2006 3:07 PM

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    Dean Landsman 03.07.06 at 6:51

    Speaking of clairvoyance . . . .I just KNEW you were going to post this little essay!!!!!

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