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  • by Frank Paynter on March 5, 2025

    It’s come to this.  Lacking funds to engage a team of archaeologists to excavate my desk, I’ve plunged ahead to do it myself.  Among the layers of phone bills and yellowing Network World issues, the most interesting artifacts to surface are aging post-it notes.  Most are too far gone to read, intelligibility lost in the coffee stains of years gone by.  None retain any semblance of their original stickyness.  Some I recognize, bits of prior projects…  here, from my guilt-ridden Dervala interview period, a list of web sites - Paul Ford, Michael Barrish, Dooce, The Morning News… 


    And here, a self improvement guide of some kind, perhaps: 

    "Path to participation…  advisory boards, project assignments, pyramid org, networked org…"  what was THAT about?

    "theme WUHAN"…

    And here is the business card of Rev. Donald Sensing of the Franklin, Tennessee Trinity United Methodist Church…

    Here is Leah Thompson’s business card.  That be about IPv6 I think.  Troy Duster’s card…  a post-it that says NGOs AFSC Mennonite Central Committee [a phone number] Rom 411 Oxfam… a lot of cat hair in the adhesive on the back…

    I hate to throw these out.  Who knows when I’ll need them?

    Okay.  I blogrolled the Dervala links, saved the business cards, and pitched the post-its and all the Network Worlds.  I think I’ll take a break.

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