14th April 2006

Testing one two three

I’ve shifted blog tools from Typepad to WordPress in pursuit of that illusion: control. Slowly over the next few months I hope to evolve a new format and use more tools better. Tagging is one of the tools I must master. Using Oddiophile’s Rather Fab Technorati Tag Bookmarklet I may make inroads into the wonderful world of tags. Or so Lorelle says.

Technorati Tags:

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posted in Web Publishing | 7 Comments

14th April 2006

Testing one, two…

I like rocketboom, so I’ll probably love rocketpost

All aboooard!!!!

Update… posted from Qumana version three…

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posted in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments

14th April 2006

Mark Pilgrim’s Dog-trospective

Wherein Mark reminisces about all the dogs in his life

Like most beagles, Casey howled. Whenever we left the house, Casey would stand at the dining room window that overlooked the driveway, paws on the windowsill, nose on the window, and howl. But whenever we got home, she was asleep on the couch. So it was all for show. I often wondered how long she kept up the act after we left, but there was a bit of an observer-affects-the-observed quality to it because she would only howl if everybody left. As long as at least one person stayed in the house, she didn’t care. She was a Heisenbeagle.

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posted in People | 1 Comment

14th April 2006

Digital Cameras

Doc Searls ponders his next camera. He’s looking at digital SLRs. I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel and I really like it. One drawback is the built-in flash which provides about as much light as a lightning bug in heat. Balancing that is the “shoe” on top of the camera that will hold the functional equivalent of a klieg light if you really want it too. “I’m ready for my close-up,” she said, and we hit the lights and burnt her eyebrows right off her face.

I also have a Nikon Coolpix that is small enough to slip in a jacket pocket. I’ve enjoyed the Coolpix for snapshots over the last year or so. The Canon EOS is more of a production — from schlepping it around to changing lenses and dealing with the choices that the SLR offers in terms of settings.

Since there are so many good SLRs out there right now, I’d ask the professionals what they use and see if I could afford one of those. Since there so many professionals to ask, Doc ought to be emailing Niek and Heather and Derek and Shelley for their advice, and not relying on anything he hears from a shutter-putterer like me.

Today, Niek writes about Reality and Myth in a mud wrestling contest… interesting to ponder. Derek has an essay that has some tangency to Niek’s… Design for Selfishness. Go for the photos, stay for the writing.

Update:  Voting for Kevin Marks’ neologism, “Wifired,” this morning I discovered a word that just calls out to be used (if not precisely as defined by the neologger):  Technorazzi — “Doc’s one of the guys with cameras at technology events.  He’s one of the technorazzi.”  Update-update…  it looks like Kevin won!

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posted in Creative Arts | 1 Comment

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