8th December 2005

Ashamed of Myself

While I’ve been hectoring (that’s ancient Greek for noodging) David Weinberger about a contribution to our modest "How do you blog " project, David has been assembling and publishing another edition of JOHO.  The 12/5/2005 issue has three substantial chapters, each of which is a good read and provides fodder to the blogger who wants to kick-start his early morning ruminations.

[ProClaimer… David has already been kind enough to share a brief reflection on the topic, and - embarrassingly enough - I’ve been begging him for more.  My deadline is extensible…  I want most of the material to be available to work on this weekend, but I can see by the generous volume of material that has begun to accumulate that this will not be a one post wonder, but will be a series of daily posts spread out over next week.  So to the academics who want to contribute but feel pressured by the season, there’s time to put something together.  Please.]

A large part of the current JOHO is given to Chapter Three of David’s soon to be new book, "Everything is Miscellaneous."  The chapter provides links to everyone from (Weinberger on) Aristotle to Borges (on Wilkinson and ordered lists) but does not go into depth about why nobody seems to know Aristotle’s first name.

Anyway, it won’t be easy to steal any more bandwidth from David than he has already been kind enough to give me.  But I’ll keep trying.

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