3rd December 2005

Aw Shux…

I got a link from the December 15th AARP Bulletin.  This may be my first and only unsolicited mainstream positive  recognition.  There I am, in the list, right below Ronni Bennett and not that far down from Millie Garfield.

Here’s what they said:

Frank Paynter’s Sandhill Trek (http://sandhill.typepad.com/sandhill_trek/)

is about life on the farm, dealing with the inevitable loss of beloved pets,
progressive politics, nature and other topics, rendered in sometimes lyrical

I like the phrase "sometimes lyrical prose."  I guess they missed the part where the mean son-of-a-bitch comes out and I rave and rage against the idiocy of a populace so dim-witted, deluded, or careless or greedy, so miserably callous and cold that they could elect the mass murdered from Crawford, Texas - Mr. Death Penalty himself - to not one but two terms in office.  Wait.  Maybe that’s the "progressive politics" part.

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 3rd, 2025 at 6:20 and is filed under Blogging Community News, Farm Almanac, Friends, The Proprietor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Aw Shux…”

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  1. 1 On December 3rd, 2025, liz said:

    Hey! I’m over 50 and I didn’t even get a mention….only I rarely write about aging issues.

  2. 2 On December 3rd, 2025, Leslie said:

    Very cool, Frank. But now that you’re mainstream, what can we expect from you?

  3. 3 On December 3rd, 2025, fp said:

    I’m thinking cardigan sweaters and removing my tennis shoes indoors?

  4. 4 On December 4th, 2025, dean landsman said:

    Lyrical prose? Empirical Toes? Cynical Foes? Cyrillic Nose? Miracle Pose?

    Hard to hear/read so well since I started getting those AARP mailers. Just how did those suckers know exactly when I turned 50?

    Makes me think there’s a conspiracy afoot. And isn’t eh bottom line that they (the ARP) really just want to sell me insurance and travel arrangements?

    Congratulations on the 50+ MSM link.

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