Thanks for a Good Time

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  • I posted a kind of generic “conference wish-list” in response to a comment from Nancy White. It’s here:

    I intend to revisit and apply these criteria to the Corante Social Software Architecture conference later this week. I want to give it all some time to sink in because too often my blogging is shooting from the hip.

    One matter of concern for me is getting my hands on the conference roster and contact information. There were several people with whom I purposely foreswore the self-conscious exchange of business cards because we expected to have that info in hand…  When we pay to attend a professional meeting, one of the things we are paying for is the hook-ups.

    Another value of the conference scene is that it provides analysts like me with an ongoing environmental scan. It’s like walking the streets at the caravansary, seeing who arrived in the night, who folded their tent and slipped away, who has put on weight, and generally sharing the joys and sorrow of our market bound existence.

    Thanks Hylton, Stowe, and Berkmanites. You all hosted a good event and I’m afraid I slipped out the door without thanking you properly.

    This entry was posted in Blogging and Flogging, corantessa. Bookmark the permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.


    1. Posted November 18, 2025 at 2:38 | Permalink

      You inspired me. IN fact I think I went overboard. :-)

    2. Posted November 18, 2025 at 5:07 | Permalink

      Hi Frank,

      Great meeting you at the symposium! I, too, have been letting all of it sink in a bit (as I, too, blog from the hip–sometimes to my detriment.) Will look forward to reading more.
