19th October 2005

Suw Charman - BlogOn 2025

I crept in late to Suw’s "blogging behind the firewall application.  I blamed cross-town traffic.  It made me feel urbane.  I missed her carrier pigeon trope.  Yet I get it.  Carrier pigeons are good for point to point, one to one messaging.  They’re not as useful perhaps as social interactive media.

Suw has a great stage presence.  She stalks.  She emotes.  She speaks in complete sentences.  And paragraphs.

She grabbed me with a throw away line about a fellow who began blogging internally as a way to lessen the pain of periodic status reports.  She called it a "trojan mouse" application, a practice that sneaks in under the door and off the radar of the corporate IT department, catches on with a group of people, and eventually finds support throughout the organization.   

I don’t know if the phrase "disintermediation of knowledge transfer" is original with Suw, but it’s a grabber!  Internal social media tear down barriers to communication.

An audience member, a guy named Howard from NYU, asks a question regarding corporate management’s fear of free speech on blogs and wikis.  Suw points out that wikis have logs of all entries so attribution is clear, and besides…  people have manners and generally behave sensibly.  It’s not rational to be concerned that people are going to write dirty words on the virtual corporate walls of an internal wiki.

There was another question about control and approval.  Suw’s response was that you might as well use traditional KM-ware and expensive Content Management solutions like Documentum if control is an issue.

A benefit of corporate

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