Update on Dad
The good kind of stroke to have is the hemorrhagic, because the other kind (eschemic or occlusive, I gather) kills off more brain tissue. dad had the good kind. They’re moving him from the neurology floor on Monday into the hospital rehab unit. That means they think they help him regain his health. Needless to say we are all much relieved that he isn’t likely to die or go into a coma. On Wednesday night, this wasn’t real clear. On Thursday it was wait and see. But today following lots of CAT scans and an MRI it appears that he’ll improve! He still makes up words. He had a good one for “rain gauge” today. Wish I’d jotted it down. Instead, I just said, “When you say [weird-word], I think you mean “rain gauge.” He said, “You can follow along pretty well.” Good to be with-it in the land of scat-man daddy.