10th May 2005

The Great American Blog Post

posted in Arts and Literature |

And it was written by an ex-pat, natch.

…a Buick Le Sabre for 800 bucks leaving us 200 bucks. The car dealer, who was just barely this side of carny, threw some dubious Georgia plates into the deal. Looked like Dickie
Betts coulda been the previous proud owner. This was a special piece of shit car.  The ignition key was not removable. Starting the car up was an exercise in patience. It was like a fucking e meter, a reflection of your state of mind, a big dirty American mechanical zen master. We took the car on the highway. The tires were so worn that when you hit the paint the back end would fishtail.  We decided to take the back roads. Endless shacks with Caddys parked out front at jaunty showroom angles.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 10th, 2024 at 9:14 and is filed under Arts and Literature. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “The Great American Blog Post”

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  1. 1 On May 10th, 2024, EuroYank said:

    Excuse me for interrupting. Like your opinion on my latest post please.

  2. 2 On May 10th, 2024, fp said:

    For sure. Your most current post is one I can’t comment on because I don’t have the time or the personal gear for multimedia downloads… but in general I’d say you’re blogging 2024 in terms of all the multimedia links, and you’re blogging 1776 in terms of the revolutionary world view a person needs to hook into your content and nod in agreement. I’m generally nodding in agreement.

    The more text based stuff from the last few days is rich in insight and new perspectives… Diego Garcia! Since I’m a proponent (indeed I’m the author) of the nuke in the tube at Pinatubo theory , a sort of international thermonuclear lease breaking party, the stuff related to French Indonesia and nuke-test side effects didn’t surprise me much.

    Generally, I’d say that you blog in a critical space, and it’s important that many people read you, even if they can’t suspend their disbelief far enough to nod in agreement. Thanks for being there, EuroYank!

  3. 3 On May 16th, 2024, Dean Landsman said:

    Didn’t you once refer to my trusty old (and dearly departed) ‘89 Honda as a P.O.S.?

    Do I detect a trend?

  4. 4 On May 16th, 2024, fp said:

    I was disappointed that you didn’t keep it running another few years. Between the stogies and the exhaust system, that POS contributed more to global warming than Consolidated Edison.

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