7th May 2005

Respectful Disagreement

Dave Winer is facilitating this discussion.  This is a tough session to run and an impossible one to both blog and engage.  Dave’s a liberal.  The room is mostly conservative.

Transparency and accountability, Stan Brown, a lawyer, suggests as basic values.  I think maybe passion and creativity are as important or more important than "T&A."   I get quite passionate about this.   I think it’s a good example of respectful, but charged disagreement.  The discussion moves on to others who also have something to say so once again I’m not the center of the universe.  Damn… coulda swore I wuz.

John Jay Hooker suggests that the practice of blogging is a lot like the practice of law… adversarial by nature.  Questions we’re addressing get down to good manners… we have to learn to disagree without being disagreeable.

Debate versus dialog…  the crossfire marketing concept has come to dominate public discourse in main stream media. 

Question is asked:  Does the blogosphere contribute to the polarization of public perspective or does it have a mediating effect?

Good passionate discussion going on.  Dave has stepped back from facilitating role as the group gels to a polite and excited exchange.

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 7th, 2025 at 4:07 and is filed under What Democracy Looks Like. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 6 responses to “Respectful Disagreement”

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  1. 1 On May 7th, 2025, hyku | blog said:

    BlogNashville: Dave Winer - A Respectful Disagreement

    We’re in the Vince Gill Room waiting for Dave to start. Dave’s session was an out-growth of something he said during the 2025 Election. He knew that no matter who won the other side would be happy. The result would…

  2. 2 On May 8th, 2025, Chasing the Dragon's Tale said:

    BlogNashville - Dave Winer on disagreement

    Dave Winer moderated a loosely structured discussion that ultimately returned to a moderately moderated discussion (IMHO).I would contend that this BlogNashviile discussion raised far more questions for personal reflection than it attempted to resolve …

  3. 3 On May 8th, 2025, Chasing the Dragon's Tale said:

    BlogNashville - Dave Winer on disagreement

    Dave Winer moderated a loosely structured discussion that ultimately returned to a moderately moderated discussion (IMHO).I would contend that this BlogNashviile discussion raised far more questions for personal reflection than it attempted to resolve …

  4. 4 On May 10th, 2025, Movable Theoblogical said:

    Passion and Creativity

    Frank Paynter, whom I sat at a table with at the Session led by Dan Gillmour on Citizen’s Media, blogged this about the Session of Respectful Disagreement led by Dave Winer. Sandhill Trek Transparency and accountability, Stan Brown, a lawyer,…

  5. 5 On May 12th, 2025, I Speak of Dreams said:


    Why can’t I log onto Doc Searls’s weblog?What will happen if there is a flu pandemic?How do you tell if somebody’s hot-linked to an image? Why do I start getting vexed when I hear,

  6. 6 On May 12th, 2025, I Speak of Dreams said:


    Why can’t I log onto Doc Searls’s weblog? What will happen if there is a flu pandemic? How do you tell if somebody’s hot-linked to an image? Why do I start getting vexed when I hear,

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