7th May 2005

Staci Kramer - Committing Journalism

StaciTrust But Verify

Rex Hammock says that bloggers should maintain that sense of transparency that blogs engender.  Write from who we are.  Ed Kohn, an editor at the St. Louis Post Dispatch suggests that journalism is the presentation of news in an organized fashion… can be an opinion column (with facts).

Terry Heaton (Donata) cites Chris Lash, "The Lost Art of Political Argument."   "… the struggle between argument and the myth of objectivity."

Jeff Brown - journalism is the presentation of facts in an organized fashion supported by facts and independent verification and balanced through editorial review.

Dave Winer - discovered that as
a journalist one can’t be friends with people he is writing about.  But
there’s some joking back and forth about whether or not we can have any
friends at all if that is strictly the case.

HookerJohn Jay Hooker - blogosphere is the most important thing that’s happened in our country for a long time.  Journalism is the backbone of democracy.  Without freedom we can’t know journalism.  Opportunitry to protect ourselves against the government.  Hooker has been chairman of the board of UPI, general counsel for the Daily Tennesseean and has a lot of other relevant experience.  but he do go on…  we are journalists to the extent we want be journalists.  (Hooker’s pal, Warren Beatty has just started blogging too).

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 7th, 2025 at 9:28 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, Journo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On May 7th, 2025, hyku | blog said:

    BlogNashville: Staci Kramer - Committing Journalism

    As usual, I am live-blogging so notes will be rough and I won’t get everything :-) Staci’s blog http://sdk.typepad.com/ Discussion specific page. This is not a discussion of journalism vs. blogging. This is not a discussion about what’s wrong with…

  2. 2 On May 7th, 2025, hyku | blog said:

    BlogNashville: Staci Kramer - Committing Journalism

    As usual, I am live-blogging so notes will be rough and I won’t get everything :-) Staci’s blog http://sdk.typepad.com/ Discussion specific page. This is not a discussion of journalism vs. blogging. This is not a discussion about what’s wrong with…

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