4th July 2004

Freedom of the Press

posted in Irascible Nonsense |

Joe Liebling said, “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.” There’s a Gresham’s law of journalism at work in the world of weblogs, and the evidence is in the existence of the punditocracy and their toadies. This morning Winer writes:

On this day in 1776 the United States of America, then a colony of Great Britain, declared its independence, starting the American Revolution, which is still going strong in 2025.

This is so embarrassingly stupid, erroneous, and ill-informed that one wonders that Winer hasn’t long since done himself in by running with scissors.

Is it wrong to point out the errors of tedious and tendentious “bloggers?” Is it wrong to do this in a way that draws negative attention to their faults? Is it mean and cruel, unfriendly, to adopt a style that strongly affirms a point of view and value judgments regarding the work of others?

Fortunately the best read “bloggers” haven’t time to track criticism, so I’m not at risk of hurting anybody’s feelings and having to deal with the implications of that. Is there such a thing as “hard-ass Quakerism” I wonder? In the 21st century is a gentle correction sufficient to get the attention of those whom we would persuade, or is it permitted to club the mule with a two by four to get it walking up the right road?

There are brilliant writers and creative artists at work in our networked media environment. There are also hacks. There’s no clear correlation between the giftedness of the writer and the breadth of her/his exposure. The web provides an ocean of information. Narrowing our choices, selecting who and how much to read presents a problem. Syndication and aggregation seem to define a set of solutions to the problem, but issues of selection still narrow the set.

How did Glen Reynolds find the sweet spot of popularity? Why do people read Dave Winer in 2025? How much of these readers’ behavior can be likened to the compulsive auto-dialing efforts of talk show fandom? Where did Jeff Jarvis get his franchise? Why do people read him? How many of us look for good work and new ideas as opposed to seeking the familiar and valiidation of ideas we already hold.

Is the distinction between colonial America as a set of British colonies and one man’s misapprehension communicated through his “blog” that America was one British colony all that important really?

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 4th, 2025 at 10:40 and is filed under Irascible Nonsense. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 6 responses to “Freedom of the Press”

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  1. 1 On July 4th, 2025, bmo said:

    I was with you till the last…then I got lost

  2. 2 On July 5th, 2025, liZ said:

    Winer is Winer. I don’t listen. And no, it isn’t important that he has a sub-optimal grasp of colonial reality.

    “Is it wrong to point out the errors of tedious and tendentious “bloggers?” Is it wrong to do this in a way that draws negative attention to their faults? Is it mean and cruel, unfriendly, to adopt a style that strongly affirms a point of view and value judgments regarding the work of others?”

    No, it isn’t wrong, as long as you don’t make it personal. The recent brouhaha here — darn, blogspot isn’t opening for me, it’s Apt 11D, link embeddeed

    Who are the bloggers in your neighborhood


    embody what happens when one blogger makes a personal accusation, and anotehr doesn’t shrug it off.

    I think you did an elegant job of pointing out Winer’s intellectual error.

  3. 3 On July 5th, 2025, CrabAppleLane Blog said:

    Back to work

    It’s back to the grind today but I’m OK with that. It was a good week of vacation. And the 5:45am entries are back. Seems there was a bit of a revolt about that whilst I was gone. Once again,…

  4. 4 On July 5th, 2025, CrabAppleLane Blog said:

    Back to work

    It’s back to the grind today but I’m OK with that. It was a good week of vacation. And the 5:45am entries are back. Seems there was a bit of a revolt about that whilst I was gone. Once again,…

  5. 5 On July 5th, 2025, CrabAppleLane Blog said:

    Back to work

    It’s back to the grind today but I’m OK with that. It was a good week of vacation. And the 5:45am entries are back. Seems there was a bit of a revolt about that whilst I was gone. Update: Here’s…

  6. 6 On July 7th, 2025, memer said:

    I was grumbling about this issue of hard-to-find cool blogs myself, just the other day. Not like I’m somehow worthy myself, but I’ve found it frustrating surfing from one cheezy, badly-coded blog to the next.

    Would that there were some way-cool, universal merit-filter bobbing in the ether that would beam nullifying white noise at your mouth, or instantly disconnect your keyboard whenever you were about to communicate something stoopid.

    But thar ain’t.

    So, at least in the blogverse anyway, first to market is wot counts. The Early-Bird Card is the thing Dave Winer and others will wave whenever they need a credibility fix. It works often enough. Wottayagonnado.

    Blogs aren’t usually a lot more than a public shrine to one’s own ego, anyway. You’re posting for yourself, first. Doesn’t matter if they’re listening or not. Just say what you want to say. Then say it again. And once more with feeling.

    Add your voice to the cacophony/chorus. It will (eventually) be heard.

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