6th February 2004

Gay Marriage

posted in Irascible Nonsense |

Madison, Wisconsin
Northern Yearly Meeting (FGC)


We affirm our willingness as a Meeting to participate in celebrations of marriage, in accordance with our traditional procedures, for both opposite-sex and same-sex couples when one or both of the partners is a member of our Meeting. We intend to follow the same customary and careful process of arriving at clearness for all couples who wish to unite under our care. At every stage we intend to treat all couples with the same respect, the same care, and the same status. Because relationships are growing and living entities, we recognize also our responsibility to continue to provide care and support for each relationship and both partners as individuals, in the same way that we strive to care for all individuals in the meeting.

December 6, 1987

Seems to me that my meeting has been celebrating gay marriages for at least sixteen years, and many others around the world have done the same for as long or longer. What’s the big whoop? Why are people fueling the fire of the Bush League’s election year homophobic posturing? What’s to talk about? Just do it.

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