16th October 2007

Best bits…

We each have our favorite parts I suppose. Mine goes like this:

…forget what I said about Kitty-Kitty being a KGB mole during WWII. She finally came clean. Evidently, she is a Nazi war criminal, escaped to Buenos Aires on a Vatican ratline in November, 1945. How she got from there to Colorado is beyond me, though she has dropped dark hints about having been the personal housecat of Pablo Escobar at the mountain fastness of the MedellĂ­n cartel in the mid-’70s. However, she said the whole Colombian dope scene was “just too crazy” back then, so she moved on.

And we think we know those we love.

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There are currently 2 responses to “Best bits…”

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  1. 1 On October 17th, 2024, Brian Hayes said:

    That man, y’know, he who wraps, he composes sharper carbon, and he will not stop light into words, yes, he drives me places. I sent him one hundred dollars one night, for dinner, y’know, to feed that thing rolling on his shoulders. Send him dinner. Dinner For Rage. We could do less. Click.

  2. 2 On October 17th, 2024, Frank Paynter said:

    Agreed. You can go to the Mystic Bourgeoisie site and contribute, or to the EGR blog. $100 bucks to support an artist seems like a small price to pay for any libertarian who wants to see minimal government interference and no more taxes.

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