20th March 2005

Shards of meaning sparkle…


"Grout is an RDF aggregator for geospatial metadata, with spatial
query capabilities. It is written in perl, with a mod_perl handler and
plans for a simple CGI interface. It uses Class::RDF as a backend data store."

Reading about Grout reminded me of Anne Galloway’s interest in locative media. 

Triples rule.

You take your Shelley Powers and your Anne Galloway and your Jo Walsh … talk about a triple!  The semantic web emerges based on the standards work that moves along slowly in the standards sandbox where those who can play well with others do. 

Meanwhile, the efforts to jump-start a market driven engineering adhocracy with tools like tags and blogs and podcasts offer dramatic glimpses, faceted views of where the standards based development is quietly leading us.

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19th March 2005

Dancing Lessons?

How’s this for overkill…


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19th March 2005

Tool Sets

WordPress, Textpattern, or Nucleus?  How will I know I choce the best Content Management System for me?

posted in Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 4 Comments

18th March 2005

ENV: Fuel Cell Motorcycle


Click on it Harv… it’ll take you where you want to go.

posted in Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 6 Comments

18th March 2005

Wordpress 1.5

I think I feel an IT Garage post emerging…  Start with Godaddy, mix in liberal amounts of php and MySQL, download the wonderful blogtool from wordpress, cruise around looking for a decent CSS theme to "borrow" (we be stylin’), discover that every problem, no matter how dumb, has already been solved, or at least addressed I guess, by someone who was kind enough to document the solution a short google search away, and VOILA…

I have a good start toward something new and maybe even useful.

Shelley said:

First, my decision to make such extensive modifications to Wordpress
that I decided to fork the code isn’t an indication that I think
Wordpress is a ‘bad’ tool, or is based on ‘bad’ coding. On the
contrary: with this new release, I consider Wordpress 1.5 to be one of
the best weblogging tools on the market. The new themes design is
absolutely brilliant, the user interface is intuitive and easy to use,
and the code has been cleaned up very nicely–the developers can be
justifiably proud of what they’ve delivered with this release. When the
first bug release of the product is available for download, (1.5.1) I
can, without hesitation, recommend this tool to any weblogger.

It seems to me to be high time that I get on the road to self sufficiency, and Wordpress looks like a great place to start!

"To boldly go where Shelley has gone before…."

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17th March 2005

Dr. Gutenberg, I Presume…

An “em” is a unit of measurement defined as the point size of the font—12 point type uses a 12 point “em.” An “en” is one-half of an “em.”

From: The Trouble With EM ’n EN (and Other Shady Characters)
by Peter K. Sheerin at A List Apart, October 19, 2025.

posted in Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 0 Comments

13th March 2005

Rhymes with Gary Cooper

Super-duper!  Putting on the Ritz!

Thanks Harry.  Thanks to (other) Peter.  And thanks to you too, Madame L., for the kind words in Peter’s comments. 

Speaking of Peter (the other) — there was a coffee shop on Cole Street called the other, but how I bridge from there to Jamasutra you probably don’t even want to know — thank you (other) Peter for the Driftin Blues Charles Brown moments at your old blog.

I ran into something called a Samsung YH-925 … 20GB, under 300 bucks, all kinds of media support including voice recording … entry point for the mp3 deprived, which I have been.  The tech looks mature enough now that I can thank the pod people and other consumer-early adopters.  Now I am on the prowl, beach combing, scavenging free music off the web and converting some of the minimalist CD collection I maintain to mp3s.

The Dervala interview must be coming into sight and sound soon.  She introduced me to Audacity a year or more ago.  Thanks Derv.

And Ray and Bruce have been listening to Larry McMurtry’s son live… live and live, that’s the long and the short of it really… doesn’t rhyme with that rasta shit I-and-I but rather something more like I and "ih" (not ih and ih, either of course).

Ray redid his blog design.  I liked it.  Now it’s back to the old design.  Hmmm… maybe I licked the wrong end of the toad.

So anyway, I’ve cadged a couple of nice mp3s from Peter (the other) and from Harry, two anonymous bloggistas.  Bruce too.  What is it with anonymity?  I’m sticking my neck out, offending the PETA people, fearing for my life and you guys do the guero guerilla thing, all camouflaged, all hip.

And hey, for all of you feral cat lovers who have made my life a living hell, here’s a link to the cutest puppy pic you might expect to see for a while, and a link to a story about bunnies too

posted in Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 3 Comments

8th March 2005

Do no stupid…

Steve Gillmor aims one straight at Moe, Larry, and Sergey:

Over and over incumbents are walking up to the light at the end of the
tunnel and saying, "Looks like a train." If Google leverages its scale
to create new inventory around links, the net effect will be to incent
competitors to route around it. Just as Google destabilized Office by
creating the world’s fastest (and free) spell checker, reference tool,
and pizza delivery service, so too will a craigslistian series of
competitors destabilize Google if they are stupid enough to persist in
refusing a conversation with the very beta-testers who are their

posted in Bidness, Journo, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos, What Democracy Looks Like | 0 Comments

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