3rd April 2004

Electrophotonic Era

Phil Neches turns us on to a history lesson and makes a bold prediction regarding the future of information technology. 20 years ago or so Phil founded Teradata. My employer then, Bank of America, was very interested. We had acres of hard drives storing some few gigabytes of data. The company is now owned by NCR. Teradata, not BofA.

I want someone to tell me why I should care about MPLS. Wonder if it will ever cross our screens?

Bob Frankston advocates for olfactory computing. Bring back smell-o-vision, sez Bob.

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1st April 2004


April foolishness worthy of the name. This, from the IETF… via Donna Wentworth.

Network Working Group D. Waitzman
Request for Comments: 1149 BBN STC
1 April 1990

A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers

Status of this Memo

This memo describes an experimental method for the encapsulation of
IP datagrams in avian carriers. This specification is primarily
useful in Metropolitan Area Networks. This is an experimental, not
recommended standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Overview and Rational

Avian carriers can provide high delay, low throughput, and low
altitude service. The connection topology is limited to a single
point-to-point path for each carrier, used with standard carriers,

Read the rest of this entry »

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30th March 2004

Outside the Box…

… generally thought to be a good thing except when discussing feline behavior.

posted in High Noise - Low Signal | 2 Comments

18th March 2004

Clueless If Loyal Opposition

Madeleine (”you ignorant slut”) Albright shows again the profound depth of insight that allowed her to chalk off the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi children as necessary collateral damage during the Clinton years of the economic embargo against Iraq. This is from the Philadelphia Inquirer:

“The credibility of the United States is sinking,” said Madeleine K. Albright, who was secretary of state in the Clinton administration. “Osama bin Laden has been able to do something that 40 years of communism was unable to do, which is to divide Europe from the United States.

Hellooo… Maddy??? Anybody home? It wasn’t bin Laden who achieved the US isolationist separation from the rest of the world. It was Bush and his ilk. If not for the Christian Right we would retain some credibility in Europe. Today we have none. Take a chill-pill Maddy, and get off the stage of public utterance. Yo’ a fool. You were bad under Clinton and you’re bad today. Dangerous nonsense spews from your mouth whenever you open it. Back under the rock Maddy.

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15th March 2004

Kicking the Corpse

Gouda sez “Scripting News is the first site to support RSS.” … too bad there’s so much link rot out there…

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11th March 2004

Account Blocked

request for update… a few days ago I commented in Dave Winer’s space that “I think this is a very useful initiative and I urge all concerned to keep it alive within the IETF standards group.” Today I posted a comment asking if this Atom/RSS effort had moved or was moving into a formal IETF process. That comment was deleted. I tried to re-submit the question but alas I’ve been blocked from commenting in that space.


Hey, that rhymes with fromage! See you at BloggerCon II you big Gouda!

posted in High Noise - Low Signal | 0 Comments

11th March 2004

This Just In…

[Fearing lawsuits and exposure as a creative genius and therefore preferring to remain anonymous, the author of the following item has granted me permission to publish his email to a wider audience… -fp- ]

I’d like to make a constructive offer to the people who are working on “Cellphone”. And before stating the offer, let me say that I am open to backdoor-offers.

First, consider the avalanche of support for Telephone in the last couple of months. I have a page for some of my recent calls on Telephone, but not all of them (no, no - there’s far, far too many of them. I wouldn’t want to bore you dears). If Cellphone proposes to go up against Telephone, this is what it’s going up against. This, and a Louisville slugger with rusty nails banged into it.

Would it be reasonable to merge Cellphone and Telephone, much the way we merged semaphore format with telegraph between 1734 and 1863?

Some bullet-points follow..

0. We could come up with a new format called say Te1e/ph0n (which conveniently is the terminology many people, like Scooby Doo, are using to talk about the format used for talking to people and listening). And, yes, I have started my list with a 0. This is because I am a 1337 hax0r. You wouldn’t understand so don’t even try. Secondly, I’m also aware that this is a numbered list, not bullet points in the purest sense, but as my upcoming paper for the Berkhole Center will explain…

1. Ahem. The format would differ from Telephone as little as possible. This is, of course, because the format of Telephone is immeasurably superior to that of cellphone as any right thinking person would instantly recognize.

2. It would have the great spec that the cellphone people are promising. A great dialer, and lots of support from switchboard operators who evangelize the format. There wouldn’t be many flames because everyone would be getting most of what they want. If there’s any flaming to be done, I will be proud to shoulder the fearful burden in my normal selfless manner.

3. It would be managed by an IETF working group that would be open to anyone who wants to participate. Except that Isenberg fucker. He can’t go around just calling people’s inventions stupid and think there won’t be a bloody reckoning some day.

4. It would be backdoor compatible with Telephone 2.0, so that any 2.0 “conversation” could become a Te1e/ph0n “chat” by changing absolutely nothing. In fact, it would be Telephone 2.0, just with a better name. Prepare to be assimilated, motherfucker. Or, as my dear, dear friends around these Ivy clad walls never tire of hearing me say: BOGU.

5. The top level item in the feed would be called ph0nWeiner. It’s a problem for at least one switchboard operator that the top level item in Cellphone is called “call” — not such a problem today, but later when another format comes along that also calls its top level item “call.” Formats in general should use a distinctive name for their top-level element. (Prior art: DOT, DASH, FLAG, BEEP.)

6. What else?

Caveat: All of this was written quickly with a fifth of Old Granddad and a handful of bennies in the bag, so it should not be considered remotely coherent. Can we put aside our differences now, and come up with a format that honors the work that’s been done in the past and today and makes it possible for things to be better in the future, without the wasted energy that comes from disagreement and disrespect? Or am I just going to have to keep flaming every last one of you hosers and shouting you down at every conference I go to for the next 10 years?

posted in High Noise - Low Signal | 5 Comments

9th March 2004


Dave Winer, a master of the grand gesture, offers an opportunity for all the soldiers in the aggregation trenches to team up and craft a common product. Then he does take-backs in the comment thread by poo-pooing the value of the use of standards organizations. Too bad nasty old WinerLand comments aren’t linkable.

Even so, something might bubble up out of all this. Some guys just like the limelight I guess, and if you recall the old John Stewart vinyl, well…

posted in High Noise - Low Signal, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 0 Comments

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