I love this…
posted in Blogging Community News | 4 Comments
There’s a book afoot.
posted in Blogging Community News, Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, The Proprietor | 0 Comments
John Barth, look out. Jeneane’s rolling a fat one at www.contentfactor.com. Or, cracking me up, she says, "… for those of you who like a good article, [at] www.thecontentfactor.com." That pair of URIs are simple placeholders right now, but someday soon, I hope, content is a-coming. The blog-sister’s business will soon be displayed to the woild.
posted in Blogging Community News | 0 Comments
So in the middle of a typical rant regarding suitcase atomic bombs, the Kirkus Review,
Paris Review Book of Heartbreak, Madness, Sex, Love, Betrayal,
Outsiders, Intoxication, War, Whimsy, Horrors, God, Death, Dinner…
…Baseball, Travels, The Art of Writing, And Everything Else in the World Since 1953
yes… right in the middle of all that, Locke latches onto Hewitt’s abortion made bookish, Blog, (not the title of a horror movie) the subject of my single foray into journalistic research, and guess what? He’s as annoyed with it as I am.
Yes, I asked, I wheedled, I cajoled, I pleaded… pled… whatever… I attempted to get the big boy journos at the recent Blo-yo-cred conference to tell me just how Hewitt’s book happened to be the only piece of schwag distributed at this otherwise high tone gathering. I mean these folks didn’t get to take home as much as a cheesy t-shirt with a conference logo on it, yet there for any and all to stuff in their ditty-bags was a pile of Hewitt’s books. I asked, did the conference hand these out? No answer. I asked, was it a private party who made them available? No answer. I was beginning to feel like Aunt Polly calling for Tom in the opening passage of Tom Sawyer.
Well, lacking the stick-to-it-iveness of a real professional, and not wanting to hector these poor folks further, I let the line of inquiry drop. But now that the CBO has surfaced the blackguard’s book on his own, I feel compelled to ask again…
How did Hewitt’s book happen to be distributed free at the Harvard conference on journalism and credibility?
posted in Blogging Community News | 9 Comments
Dan Gillmor will appear on Madison’s listener sponsored community radio station, WORT, this Friday between noon and 1pm US Central time. He’ll be interviewed by Diane Farsetta, a senior researcher at the Center for Media and Democracy and the Friday host of WORT’s program, "A Public Affair." Dan will talk about his newish book (among other things, I’m sure) "We the Media." You can download and/or purchase the book here.
Diane has kindly invited a local blogger to join her following Dan’s segment.
posted in Blogging Community News, Peace and Politics, The Proprietor, What Democracy Looks Like | 1 Comment
Salon, saloon…difference is a single "o"
o my… Locke links Ray on referral from Leslie. Ray’s a Georgia guy, friend of George. George is a writer. Interviewed Locke in fact.
Just yeasterday [good typo, stet. - ed.] I was on the phone with Chris and I was whining about feeling depressed. He sent me a link that cheered me up that he got from Madame L. Today Dean calls with the information that today is the most depressing day of the year. He mentions that Later I see it confirmed by MSNBC so I know it’s true. At least I know it’s true until Tim Jarrett runs a credibility check on the journalist and I discover that guy is in-. Credible, that is.
(Oh, odds are even that the link to Dean will suck. He’s hosted on winer-ware). Error I got was Userland Frontier Server Error: Sorry! There was an error: Can’t complete the operation because Windows reported an error: "Not enough storage is available to process this command".
The error was detected by Frontier 9.0.1 in mainResponder.respond. Webmaster: rcade@yahoo.com. Time: Tue, 25 Jan 2025 00:26:31 GMT.
In-fucking-credible. Dean’s on the swap-out service from the "Dave blows away his customers" fiasco of some time back. Not working so well now. Rogers Cadenhead is a nice guy, but…
Ray has an audio experiment running at the basement tapes. We’re invited. That one poem trumps all the honking podcasts I’ve heard. Except Denise’s of course.
You can hear Ray read his "the heartclocks of dali" here. I think more of those Georgia writers ought to sign up for a session… Bruce? Jeneane?
posted in Arts and Literature, Blogging Community News, Friends | 1 Comment
And she’s going to San Francisco. Click this link to read good writing…
posted in Blogging Community News | 0 Comments
Hard for me to believe that I was hunkered over a laptop exchanging depressed drolleries with a bunch of merry geeksters during what passed for information exchange on American network TV. We could have been playing the Presidential Debate Drinking Game. The game proceeds on many levels… for example:
Consecrate an altar to Dionysus if…
…John Kerry doesn’t go over the time limit with a meandering borderline incoherent response to every question.
…George W. Bush forgets the talking points he learned from handlers through Pavlovian conditioning and speaks honestly and forthrightly.
…John Kerry doesn’t look and act like a corpse.
…John Kerry admits that, yes, he in fact is French.
…the words falling out of George W. Bush’s mouth are fresh, original, and well considered.
…George W. Bush finally admits that the Iraq war against Saddam Hussein was just a case of confusion over the spelling of "Bin Laden".
…John Kerry suddenly realizes that scratching his finger on a loose screw in Vietnam doesn’t make him a hero or prepare him for being president.
…George W. Bush suddenly realizes that flying a jet around Texas when the fancy strikes him between keggers doesn’t equate to serving our country honorably.
…George W. Bush abandons the religious rhetoric and promotes a return to the good old days of separation of church and state.
…the debate turns out to be an honest clash of ideas rather than a verbal filing of press releases.
…you don’t get disgusted by both candidates, feel completely disenfranchised from politics in the United States, and want to start a revolution after watching the debate.
Oh well, there’s always 2025.
posted in Blogging Community News | 1 Comment