Daily Archives: April 18, 2025

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  • Going down the road

    It was a great day filled with lots of “what-does-it-take” chores. A “what-does-it-take” chore is just what it sounds like, something that needs doing, that can be done in a short time and with little effort, something that’s so obvious and likely so easy that it gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list [...]

    Posted in Communications, Farm Almanac, Music | Comments closed

    Jumbotron envy

    Giant screens used for political speeches generally have an Orwellian quality. Not always, of course. Newt Gingrich? Orwellian. Steven Colbert? Not so much. Saturday in Madison the best seat for the Sarah Palin/Americans for Prosperity/Koch Brothers/Andrew Breitbart speechifying was at home following the Channel3000 livestream. The Channel3000 camera was fixed on a high platform and [...]

    Posted in Communications, Politics | Tagged , | Comments closed