I’ve had a bad day in multimedia. Seeking to be best blogger I can be for AARP, I screwed up my video. I screwed up my audio. I even failed to connect with Tony the Tiger for a photo op. It was not a good day, technically. On the other hand…
I saw Jane Pauley and heard a little of what she had to say about her work as an interviewer. She’s a long time favorite of mine. Doesn’t hurt that she’s the step-mom of my role model, Roland Hedley.
I did my imitation of the human tripod at Dave Barry’s press conference. I held the microphone in one hand. I held the camera in the other hand. I did a plausible imitation of the Karate Kid in his crane pose, only of course I balanced in poised stillness on both my feet.
I travel with a ridiculously diverse assortment of technology. On this outing I’m carrying an iPhone, an iPad, an Asus eee netbook, a Sony Vaio laptop, a Kodak zi8 video camera, a Nikon Coolpix digital camera, an AIPTEK ISDV2.4 video camera, and all the cables, batteries, chargers, and other technoid cruft required to use each of these things, individually. Too bad I have failed so miserably in the basic job of integrating these cool toys. After unsuccessfully messing around with the Dave Barry video for what seemed like a month or two, I shifted to the retail therapy strategy, took a cab to what must be the biggest upscale outlet mall in the world, or in Florida, or in Orlando at least, and I bought a new messenger bag at the North Face outlet store.
Meanwhile, the other bloggers and the AARP social media mavens, the creative peeps who are in control of their time and their tools, have enjoyed an evening out at a BB King and Gladys Knight concert. I’d rather live in their world, than be alone in mine. Especially since I can’t seem to crack this little video problem that’s lingering here.
Oh well, at least papa has a brand new messenger bag…