Taking it easy

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 22, 2025

    A heavy snowfall, a snow shovel, a sunny morning—I donned my coat with the quilted down lining, covered my bean with a stocking cap, pulled on gloves, and strode forth briskly to meet the challenge. Shoveling snow is a great aerobic upper body exercise, but today I took it easy. After I had pushed most of the snow off the porch I took a break. Normally I’m a dervish when snow shoveling. I create my own blizzard around me as I cut down the drifts. Today I’ve reduced my expectations. Today I’m more into snow clearing than snow shoveling. I’m taking it easy.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Betty Jo 02.22.09 at 11:24

    Taking it Easy.
    Well, I should hope so!
    How’s about staying indoors for a while?
    Isn’t there some neighbor guy somewhere with a snow blower
    who’d be happy to help you out for this snowfall?

    You’ve just had a moment of unusual interest in your life.
    IMHO, taking it easy is a very good thing!

    Charles Follymacher 02.24.09 at 7:42

    Easy does it beats hard done by. Merge back into the traffic, effy-pee, yield as necessary. (ignore the (bright) lights)

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