Palin’s abuse of power…

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 10, 2025

    Sarah Palin has been found to have abused her power as Governor of Alaska. The abuse stems from her personal interest in the outcome of a personnel action involving her former brother-in-law.

    The 263 page report can be found here. Page forty-eight details the abuse of power finding and the facts leading to that judgment.

    Over the last few weeks we have been witness to her continuing abuse of power and the public trust as she engages in Rovian shenanigans whipping up the emotions of Rightist crowds with her passionate though ill founded attacks on Barack Obama. The demagoguery she’s exhibited is itself an abuse of the power of her position as a candidate for high office.

    At this point she stands as an example of the poor judgment of John McCain, an old man whose poor judgment has plagued him all his life. McCain is the odds on favorite to lose by on of the biggest landslides in history. But if you are thinking of staying home on November 4th, consider what will happen if they are elected.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Mort Reichek 10.10.08 at 9:38

    My wife and I have just voted for Obama by absentee ballot and think that for the first time since 1996 we have voted for a Presidential winner. And thank you for the very kind words about my blog, which gave me the opportunity to discover your excellent site.

    tamarika 10.11.08 at 4:58

    I will be voting for Obama on November 4. Count me in!

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