14th February 2008

Meta Creative Process

I ought to go and see my hero, President William Jefferson Clinton who is speaking this afternoon at the Stock Pavilion, stumping for his wife. I think he has a girlfriend in town. She lives with her husband over in Nakoma. I could be wrong. Would it matter? One of the things I’ve inferred about the Clinton family is that they make their own way in the world and their values are unconventional. The down-side of this, if it is true, is that they have learned to pander to the lowest common denominator. They pander to the people, that 30% of Americans who were ready to impeach President Clinton for his personal behavior, the ones they will never reach anyway, the ones so twisted in their own values that they’d rather watch a young woman die slowly in a vegetative coma than unhook her life support, rather see their daughter die in childbirth than harm the fetus that is killing her, rather watch their grandmother die of a spinal ailment than sponsor the stem cell research that could save her. They, these 30 percenters, are hopeless, miserable, lost, abandoned by all but the televangelists who suck their money from them like vampire bats flying out of secret caves with entrances in every American living room, sucking blood from the cattle who call themselves christians. The Clintons have no hope of winning the Hucklebee crowd over to their side, the bunch who provided the base that got Bush elected — and re-elected. But they read from an old script, a script written in the 1950’s that says it’s about moms and pies and telling sweet lies, smoking that pot but never inhaling.

I could spend the afternoon cooking up valentines for my sweetie and reading the good stuff at Ray’s, or I could go into town and let them blow smoke up my ass. Like this…

Okay… anybody who watched that needs a mental palate cleanser, an amuse bouche. Here’s a reality bite from Rethabile Mesilo

Rethabile passed this observation on:

This reporter thought he had an easy target. Young, black man that he’d badger because he was an Obama supporter. But look how this young man defends himself and turns the table.

This reporter is the kind of which we must be very wary. They sound hip, kool and together, but carry some deep seated prejudices even though they will call themselves liberals. These are the kinds of liberals who will have to look deep into themselves in this election.

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  1. 1 On February 14th, 2025, Doug Alder said:

    Forgive me I stopped listening to Rethabile about 1/2 way through - he needs to learn more about socialized medicine before he makes such sweeping generalizations :)

    I suggest http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/mythbusting-canadian-health-care-part-i and http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/mythbusting-canadian-healthcare-part-ii-debunking-free-marketeers

    I didn’t think the reporter was that bad (at least up to the point I quit - - just pressing for answers to see if an ardent Obama supporter was such doing so from emotion or had looked at policies.

  2. 2 On February 14th, 2025, Jon H. said:

    Those two articles by Sarah Robinson are pretty much the most comprehensive and carefully well researched comparisons between the Canadian health care systems (various relatively minor differences province to province) and the American health care system(s) that I have yet read.

    Pity those facts and well-informed observations are not more thoroughly dispersed throughout the various pieces of propaganda that pass for discourse on the issues.

    Thanks, Doug.

  3. 3 On February 14th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Yeah, I agree. Socialized medicine would be ideal and none of the candidates effectively address the nationalization of capital resources needed to effect it, but I would point out that Rethabile was the fellow who handed on the link to this YouTube vid, not the young man who expressed himself so well when challenged by an aggressive reporter to explain his attachment to Obama. You can visit Rethabile’s blog by clicking the link in my post. The young man in the video has a position informed by his father’s profession, I think. It sounded to me like this son of a pediatrician had gathered a lot of information from his dad about how the US health care system works and how it could be improved without revolutionary structural changes. Obama is way more centrist than I would prefer, but he faces enormous challenges repairing the cultural, political, and economic destruction of the last 40 years without damaging the infrastructural improvements we have made.

  4. 4 On February 16th, 2025, flic said:

    you are behind the times. i’m not talking about voting. i’m talking about (out) dated.

  5. 5 On February 16th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Well, sure. But what’s your point?

  6. 6 On February 16th, 2025, Ronni Bennett said:

    I’m impressed with this kid. It’s not often we see a well-informed young person in the media and in this case, one who can hold his own against an obnoxious reporter, and without getting angry, although who could blame him if he had.

    If a reporter is going to be this aggressive and challenge every point, I wish he’d stick his camera in the face of a political candidate. They are never interviewed as pointedly and too bad for us, the public, that they aren’t.

  7. 7 On February 17th, 2025, flic said:

    just that.

  8. 8 On February 18th, 2025, Shirl said:

    “They, these 30 percenters, are hopeless, miserable, lost, abandoned by all but the televangelists who suck their money from them like vampire bats flying out of secret caves with entrances in every American living room, sucking blood from the cattle who call themselves christians. The Clintons have no hope of winning the Hucklebee crowd over to their side, the bunch who provided the base that got Bush elected — and re-elected”

    Criminy Frank, what a sad, sorry bunch of hogwash you’ve written. You’re stuck in the ’60’s, man!! I voted for Huckabee in the primaries, and hope to vote for Obama in the general. I don’t oppose abortion to save the mother, but I do oppose it as birth control. The stats from CDC:
    The abortion ratio, defined as the number of abortions per 1,000 live births, was 246 in 2025 (for the same 48 reporting areas as 1999), compared with 256 reported for 1999.

    Anyhow, you’ve raised my ire on this one.

  9. 9 On February 18th, 2025, Shirl said:

    I grew up with a handicapper brother. The “liberals” disregard for life has bothered me immensely. ‘Course, it’s not just a liberal thing. A lot of conservatives think we save a lot of money by allowing abortions. *sigh*

    Why do Quackers always make me so angry???? What is it with you dudes? You’re MEAN!! oh wait, you knew that.

  10. 10 On February 18th, 2025, Tree Shapiro said:

    WTF? Looks like you’ve been “criminied” from some prit-tea angry folks here, my Quaker friend.

    @Shirl: Shirly, honey, you got a “handicapper” brother, eh? I’ve got a friend who might like to meet him if he’s any good. But my friend is handicapped (mentally And physically). Would your brother be cool with that? Or is he a mean handicapper? Thanks! :-)

    I’d like to write a few words to the enigmatic “balloon” man, flic, but I got to get ready. I’m taking this broad, Louise, down to Planned Parenthood in Brookline to get an abortion. (Her, not me, heh.) The early bird catches the worm, etc. Magazines aren’t that bad, surprisingly enough.

  11. 11 On February 19th, 2025, Shirl said:

    no, my brother wouldn’t be cool with that. he’s dead.

  12. 12 On February 19th, 2025, Tree Shapiro said:

    @Shirl: My condolences. Alev hasholem. (May he rest in peace.)

    Sad as that might be, it must be said that we all die in the end. And with all due respect, Shirl, you’re not the first person to have someone die.

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and surmise that your brother wasn’t a very good handicapper. That, or he was shit out of luck.

    I am happy to say, the abortion went like clockwork this morning. Got to the track in time for the first race. Sometimes I go in a wheelchair so I can get way down front.

    (Won it in a card game from some handicapped guy who was living off the gov. A real liberal asshole, Nam vet, living in the 60s.)

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