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  • by Frank Paynter on November 14, 2025

    (the horse I rode in on…)

    Here then is proof that you can get it wrong about Magritte, but still have glimpses of the truth. (And that, of course, is regardless of whether or not your understanding of Krazy Kat is broad or narrow, shallow or deep).

    But what about the eucharist, what about Seidenberg, what about Tarskian models or Heimian semantic structures? What about the Apostle Paul?

    The world of Offissa Pupp and Ignatz Mouse is a knowledgeable power-world, in terms of which our unknowledgeable heroine is powerlessness personified. The sensical law of this world is might makes right; the nonsensical law of our heroine is love conquers all. To put the oak in the acorn: Ignatz Mouse and Offissa Puppers all. To put the oak in the acorn: Ignatz Mouse and Offissa Pupp (each completely convinced that his own particular brand of might makes right) are simple-minded — Krazy isn’t — therefore, to Offissa Pupp and Ignatz Mouse, Krazy is. But if both our hero and our villain don’t and can’t understand our heroine, each of them can and each of them does misunderstand her differently. To our softhearted altruist, she is the adorably helpless incarnation of saintliness. To our hardhearted egoist, she is the puzzlingly indestructible embodiment of idiocy. The benevolent overdog sees her as an inspired weakling. The malevolent undermouse views her as a born target. Meanwhile Krazy Kat, through this double misunderstanding, fulfills her joyous destiny.
    – Edward Estlin Cummings

    Rock on KK. Rock on e.e. Rock on AKMA.

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