Cookie Crumbles contest finalists, originally uploaded by Esthr.
Yes, I had an excuse for being the only geek avec laptop at the table. I was messaging with Leslie, gathering her response for the de minimis feedback actually expected from the content creators during this part of the FTC bake-off.
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madame l. 11.08.07 at 12:18
i REALLY hope they couldn’t read what i was writing. i thought everyone was busy tapping away. looks horrendous.
the amish worshiper on the end scares me. i bet he shaves his balls. so that’s the “wife” that caught your eye. interesting homemaker vibe going on. i see your point. she’s got nothing on aunt hentic, though, it must be admitted.
Frank Paynter 11.08.07 at 1:03
Have to say that it’s unlikely anyone could read what was on my screen. (And I was taking the audio via bluetooth). Seriously, I agree that those half-beards are grotesque and probably symptomatic of something enormously dysfunctional.