Cookies in Translation, What Mari Said

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  • by Frank Paynter on November 1, 2025

    The video…

    The transcript:
    Mari explains what a cookie is and isn’t.
    – Slim Shady, Brimful of Asha, remix cc Attribution license.

    (Diagrams and written text in parenthesis):

    (What is a cookie?)

    This is a cookie, right?
    There’s also http cookies, right, like web cookies which are just like bits of text sent by a server, yeah, to your browser.
    Then the browser sends it back each time it goes to the same site, innit?

    (A cookie is a piece of text that a Web server can store on a user’s hard disk.)

    (How do cookies work?)

    Then the browser sends it back each time it goes to the same site, innit?
    They use them to get info about yous and what crap you like to buy and all that.
    People don’t like them ’cause the info’s rubbish.
    There’s other ways to send cookies, like using javascript and that.
    If you let your browser do that.
    When my sister codes, she sometimes puts nasty comments in, just for a laugh.

    (Cookies allow a Web site to store information on a user’s machine and later retrieve it.)
    (How can cookies be used?)
    (The pieces of information are stored as name-value pairs.)
    (How is the data from the cookies used with data collected in other ways, including from third parties?)
    (How can cookies be mis-used?)

    If you use like firefox, yeah, you can change the sets, right, so you got more control about which wankers are nicking your private property and info. It’s so out of order.

    (iPhone screen info: “On a web site, the site can track not only your purchases, but also the pages that you read, the ads that you click on, etc. If you then purchase something and enter your name and address, the site potentially knows much more about you than a traditional mail order company does. This makes targeting much more precise, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. People want more control over their private info.”)
    (What options does a user have to manage cookies and their use?)

    So there’s this thing called Wikipedia, right? Tells you lots of info like what a cookie is… they call ‘em Magic Cookies sometimes. Like the internets is like Harrry Potter and you’re like Hermione or Con. Right? Got it?

    (Server Client Storage diagram.)

    They call ‘em Magic Cookies sometimes, like the internets is like Harry Potter and you’re like Hermione or Con. Right? Got it? C’est ça le cookie magie.

    (Server Attacker Browser diagrams.)

    C’est ça le cookie magie.
    C’est ça le cookie magie.

    C’est ça le cookie magie.

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