The Last Word — fair and balanced

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  • by Frank Paynter on April 21, 2025

    Shelley Powers gave away a few copies of her new book, Adding Ajax, to the first few commenters who were able to identify the lemur that graces its cover. (My guess, that it was Ralph the Lemur, my old pal from Madagascar, wasn’t even close).

    Shelley is nothing if not fair, and she saw the inequity of that kind of “first one in the door wins the prize” contest. To balance things, she has opened up a seemingly endless thread, with the prize going to the last person to comment. This is perfect for all of us “metoosters” who are jonesing for a chance to add our bits to a meaningless accumulation of megaditto keystrokes!

    Excuse me now. I feel the need to comment…

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