I’ve been through lots of YouTube videos looking for one to put up here as a background to letting down the tears for the students and faculty, parents and staff at Virginia tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. And you know it doesn’t matter. “Turn, Turn, Turn?” Those kids had barely begun to sow. Who knows what they might have reaped? KT Tunstall? Carly Simon? Hammered Dulcimers? Harps? James Earl Jones counting to ten on Sesame Street? It just doesn’t matter. Those kids are gone and hundreds of carefree youngsters have had their innocence erased. Son House? Don Van Vliet?
Responding to a need to make his revolutionary new theories on information science and machine control accessible to a broader public, the Hungarian-born mathematician and child prodigy (who received his Ph.D. from Harvard at the age of 18), wrote The Human Use of Human Beings to elaborate on the relationship between cybernetics and the greater social ecology. In this book the electronical engineer and communications expert turns to the sociology of human dynamics to formulate a theory for how human beings will come to interact and co-exist with computers.