’tis the season…

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  • by Frank Paynter on December 16, 2025

    In The Pitch this week, Ben Paynter covers the bums and the panhandlers, the beggars, the scroungers, the mendicants at the upscale Plaza shopping district in Kansas City. Here’s an excerpt…

    Name: Pierce Vallier

    Age: 61

    Tenure: Fifth year of seasonal work

    Distinction: Salvation Army worker

    Tools: Company-issued wooden-handled brass bell, beanie, apron, name tag, red bucket on a stand, sign with the Salvation Army shield that reads “Doing The Most Good”

    Hangout: In front of the Plaza LattéLand on 47th Street

    Smells like: Coffee

    Formal education: High school, some college

    Previous gig: Worked part time for the AARP.

    Average take: He doesn’t know because the bucket is locked

    Best take: “When I worked that corner right there [by Sharper Image], it was hundreds and hundreds of dollars. The bucket was so stuffed, I had to call someone to empty it.”

    Trade secret: “A lot of people are conditioned to the bell. Like Pavlov’s dog, they know to donate.” He shakes the bell, singing “Give up the money!”

    Justification: “I needed the work. It was dependable. Working conditions are good, stuff like that. It’s pretty hard to get people to volunteer 10 hours a day, seven days a week. I think I’m making $8 [an hour]. And they always give you gloves.”

    Side biz: Released his own spoken-word CD, The Blues 101, which he carries with him.

    Claim to fame: “Just getting people to donate is a great achievement because it gets money to people to help. Christmas brings out a lot of people, but Salvation Army gives the money to people who really need it.”

    Political affiliation: “Mostly, I’m a Democrat. I worked the polls the last four years. I’ve worked [Emanuel] Cleaver’s first campaign for Congress, canvassing.”

    Best street Zen: “Dress warm and always wear enough clothes because if it gets warm, you can take something off, but if you don’t have enough, you can’t put something on.”

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